Super Freak
Thanks for the tip, but I already made her necklaces and have begun work on her bracers. The necklaces are a little sloppy, but it's one of my first cosplays so I'm okay with that. Thank you once again!
No problem! I'd love to see pictures when you've finished the cosplay
Thanks guys! :3 Hopefully the seller will ship her soon coz the wait is killing me!
I'm so happy I got her and with 176€ even cheaper than the auctions I missed the past few days. :3
Haa~ I just hope her hair won't give me too much trouble. Did everyone leave it like it was right out of the box or did you brush it out or straighten it?
Btw, I find it hilarious nowadays how I once thought I could just get the Winter Soldier and be done with it. lol I should have known better. I remember thinking that it would be nice to have all of Team Cap but then went "lol no way! that's too expensive, Buck and Steve gotta suffice!" ... Now I kinda got everyone here or on preorder except for Clint ... let's see how long it will take till I give in and get him too. XD
I left it as is from the box, but just used my fingers to puff it up a little - basically de-flatten it from being in the box, but other than that I haven't touched it.