1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 301 - Avengers: AoU - Scarlet Witch Figure (full pics/specs)

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Thanks for the tip, but I already made her necklaces and have begun work on her bracers. The necklaces are a little sloppy, but it's one of my first cosplays so I'm okay with that. Thank you once again!

No problem! I'd love to see pictures when you've finished the cosplay :D Or even just WIP

Thanks guys! :3 Hopefully the seller will ship her soon coz the wait is killing me!
I'm so happy I got her and with 176€ even cheaper than the auctions I missed the past few days. :3

Haa~ I just hope her hair won't give me too much trouble. Did everyone leave it like it was right out of the box or did you brush it out or straighten it?

Btw, I find it hilarious nowadays how I once thought I could just get the Winter Soldier and be done with it. lol I should have known better. I remember thinking that it would be nice to have all of Team Cap but then went "lol no way! that's too expensive, Buck and Steve gotta suffice!" ... Now I kinda got everyone here or on preorder except for Clint ... let's see how long it will take till I give in and get him too. XD

I left it as is from the box, but just used my fingers to puff it up a little - basically de-flatten it from being in the box, but other than that I haven't touched it.

:lol I know what you mean, I've looked at HT figures for years, but never committed to buying any because they were just too expensive for me - and then they introduced the twins to the MCU and I knew I had to get them. I was only going to get Wanda and Pietro, and then when they were on PO I saw Bucky at a local convention and impulse bought him..... Now I have NA Wanda too, and CW Steve on PO, and CW Bucky, and CW Clint... And I'll be getting CW Wanda too :rotfl It's an addiction.
:lol I know what you mean, I've looked at HT figures for years, but never committed to buying any because they were just too expensive for me - and then they introduced the twins to the MCU and I knew I had to get them. I was only going to get Wanda and Pietro, and then when they were on PO I saw Bucky at a local convention and impulse bought him..... Now I have NA Wanda too, and CW Steve on PO, and CW Bucky, and CW Clint... And I'll be getting CW Wanda too :rotfl It's an addiction.
I hear ya, Kiki! XD It's a horrible addiction, although it brings me a lot of joy. The worst part is that you gradually order more and more and before you even realise, you can't fit all of them into your signature anymore. *looks at signature* LOL XD
First I only wanted WS, then I felt horrible for having him without Steve ... so I went and preordered CW Cap. Then I realised that it wouldn't be the same coz 100% WS is not Bucky so I cancelled CW Steve and preordered the CW Buck & Cap set. XD Then I got Deadpool coz it's Deadpool and before I even knew what was happening I preordered Ant-Man coz I love Paul Rudd and that figure is gorgeous. Now, that's where I planned to stop but it's unfair to get Scott and not Sam! XD So I had to buy him too, you see? Well, and then there was lovely civvie Steve coz I got 2 Bucks and that calls for 2 Steves ... XD Wolverine really just was an amazing extra ... and the CW Iron Man I preordered a few days ago ... that one ... well, can't explain that one. XD Wanda is Wanda though and I love that girl so I finally caved in and ordered her.

Speaking of the beauty, she should be delivered tomorrow! *__* I'll receive her at the office and it will be horrible coz I'll want to unpack her but I can't coz too many people and they don't know how to appreciate this kind of item. ^^'''' So I'll have to wait till I'm home ... all the while trying to resist ripping that box open and freeing her. XD

Btw, I find it hilarious nowadays how I once thought I could just get the Winter Soldier and be done with it. lol I should have known better. I remember thinking that it would be nice to have all of Team Cap but then went "lol no way! that's too expensive, Buck and Steve gotta suffice!" ... Now I kinda got everyone here or on preorder except for Clint ... let's see how long it will take till I give in and get him too. XD

:lol There is something VERY familiar about that!! I recall myself saying something similar about the Avengers Loki!! :slap

Congrats on getting SW though, she's a great looking figure! :)
:rotfl That sounds like my method of collecting figures at the moment :p Luckily my bank account won't let me order any more than I already have :rotfl
Haha yeah, it's probably not the healthiest way of collecting but oh well. ^^

Wanda got delivered half an hour ago btw and I really wanna open her! ToT I'll have to wait till I'm home though ... damnit!

Edit: Aaaand opened her!! :) She's really cool and I'm so glad I decided to get her! Gotta say that I'm really not a fan of the rooted hair though, but it's Wanda so I can live with it. Still haven't decided how to style it. For now I pinned a few strands back, maybe I'll have a better idea later. XD I really hope that most of my other faves get sculpted hair. Gamora will probably get rooted hair again but there's hope for Nebula and Hope. :D

Anyway, here she is! *_*

Great pics!! :clap Personally, I'm not a fan of her hair being pulled back like that, I just tried to tuck one side behind her ear and just let it hang behind her shoulders. But that's just my opinion :D

She looks great! I'm glad you like her :D
Great pics!! :clap Personally, I'm not a fan of her hair being pulled back like that, I just tried to tuck one side behind her ear and just let it hang behind her shoulders. But that's just my opinion :D

She looks great! I'm glad you like her :D
I like it better that way for now. ^^ I tried a lot but the hair is still too poofy from her shoulders on and doesn't have enough volume at the base. I don't even get why HT curled it like that coz Lizzy's hair is more straight. I kinda wanna dip it into hot water or just get the straightening iron but I also don't wanna mess it up. XD Maybe I'll get another head and try it out.
do not put an iron to the hair. it will ruin it.

i actually hate the hair for this version because of the inaccuracy.essentially just a dulled version of the NA look.
do not put an iron to the hair. it will ruin it.

i actually hate the hair for this version because of the inaccuracy.essentially just a dulled version of the NA look.
Noted! :)
I'll just get the hot water then.

And yeah, it's not really accurate, way too curly. :/ I don't like how it feels to the touch either and whenever I separatea strand of hair it's a big clump of locks and it doesn't look very natural. XD I guess, I could make that look work just for the cabinet but I had her outside and it was windy so that surely didn't help.

Actually, if I had done some re-roots already, I'd just giver her new hair. Something that's not as shiny and looks more like real hair. Funnily enough I got all the tools here but I'm too scared to try it on her. XD

Anyway, I love my Wanda dearly but I'll never be a fan of the rooted hair and I pray they give Hope sculpted hair if they ever make her. XD
I like it better that way for now. ^^ I tried a lot but the hair is still too poofy from her shoulders on and doesn't have enough volume at the base. I don't even get why HT curled it like that coz Lizzy's hair is more straight. I kinda wanna dip it into hot water or just get the straightening iron but I also don't wanna mess it up. XD Maybe I'll get another head and try it out.

Yeah it is too curly, I guess they just couldn't figure how to make it wavy without it dropping out quickly? Yeah, test with another head if you can get one. Saves you risking screwing up this one :lol I'm happy with mine the way it is just because I don't want to ruin it by trying to change it :rotfl I'd cry if I did!
Ugh, that is a great deal. I think these are getting hard to push due to the other two versions.

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Thanks for the link. Bought one. I'll buy the other versions costumes separately.

This hobby ain't cheap!

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thanks also for the heads up! I bought one too! my AoU display is now complete!

...unless oneday I decide to justify getting quicksilver or they ever release an ultimate ultron....or if I decide to sell my mark 43 & upgrade to 45 :p

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Hey guys, I have mine for sale if anyone is interested. Check out my for sale or you can PM me

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So after a lot of thinking I finally tried to style her hair a bit and wash it but unfortunately it didn't have the desired effect. -__- I also combed her hair when it was dry and had to find out that ... one shouldn't do that. XD So I kinda messed up her hair a little ... -__- At first I thought it wasn't that bad but I kept looking at her thinking "damn, what did I do?" so about an hour ago, I thought to myself "well, how much worse can it get?" and decided to have another go. Instead of just warm water I used boiling hot water and submerged her hair in it for about 10 seconds, over and over and then dryed it and pulled it carefully in order to straighten it a bit. I also used a bit fabric softener but I can't tell if that had any effect as I used lots of hot water afterwards again. When the hot water didn't do enough ... I got my hair straightener. Yes, I know, I shouldn't use that coz it will damage the hair but well, I did it anyways. :lol Now I definitely need to work on her a bit more coz the tips of her hair did get a bit damaged but I'm positive a bit fabric softener and cutting the worst parts will do wonders. :)

That being said, I really like how she looks so far! :yess:
