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But it seems like the history is simply repeated over and over for 30,000 years. Do Sith always have an Empire behind them? In the movie, ROTS, you'd think the Jedi would know immediately that Palps is bad as soon as he makes his army -- all the ships look the same as passed Sith Empires.

It really is for children that don't think too hard on a subject and just want the same thing over and over again: a new Darth with a breath-screen, a new all-powerful army, a new chosen one who falls, a new hero, a new Jedi, a new Jedi Temple falls, etc, etc....

Pretty much. I've never liked how no one seemed to take notice that Palpatine's Republic soldiers were bone white and had evil grimaces on the helmets. Why would they design them this way? There's no in-universe logic to it, it's just a fan ****. Let's mix Boba Fett with a Stormtrooper, it'll be supa kewl. And that's just the Clone Wars era, forget the thousands of years of history that seem to have white armoured soldiers over and over.
You have the same issues with the LOTR stories. They have thousands and thousands of years of history, but everyone is still using swords and arrows, fighting over castles and kings.

Human history is a little like that though. Swords and bows in 1500 BC, swords and bows in 1500 AD.

With Star Wars and it's advanced technologies you'd think things would move a little faster in terms of advancement though.
I can see Dark Ages lasting a long time. But even bow-and-arrow tech changed a lot over time.

But once you start traveling in space, science should speed up. I mean, no one's invented a transporter yet in Star Wars in all that time they're flying around? But they can send holographs in real time anywhere?
Human history is a little like that though. Swords and bows in 1500 BC, swords and bows in 1500 AD.

Well I'd say the Bronze age and the Middle ages are just a little bit different than that lol. Star Wars and LOTR and just fun stories, but the time span of the histories makes things a little ridiculous.
Yeah, and for 30,000 years, the science and technology sure don't advance much.

But that's hardly surprising. There must be a point when is almost impossible to come up with something new and more advanced. Or impossible to get enough resources for more than you already have.
But that's hardly surprising. There must be a point when is almost impossible to come up with something new and more advanced. Or impossible to get enough resources for more than you already have.

What? You're joking, right? You mean eventually people just can't advance...?

I think the only place people can't seem to come up with something new is in the Star Wars universe.
Technology will eventually hit a point where it can't advance any further, you're talking about Star Wars a show with light speed and laser swords, what more advanced are they gonna make? :lol
What? You're joking, right? You mean eventually people just can't advance...?

I think the only place people can't seem to come up with something new is in the Star Wars universe.

I think with both SW and LOTR, creators just dont want to stray very far from the source material because they're afraid to lose the audience that came for a very specific type of story world.
Technology will eventually hit a point where it can't advance any further, you're talking about Star Wars a show with light speed and laser swords, what more advanced are they gonna make? :lol

I disagree with that first part -- it's impossible. But I agree with the 2nd part of course.

I just think 30,000 years of the same old is really pushing it -- even for Star Wars. :lol Couldn't they just make the history 5,000 years? That's plenty of time for all the adventures you can imagine. Look how much of the Star Wars universe is basically just "The Clone Wars".
I disagree with that first part -- it's impossible. But I agree with the 2nd part of course.

I just think 30,000 years of the same old is really pushing it -- even for Star Wars. :lol Couldn't they just make the history 5,000 years? That's plenty of time for all the adventures you can imagine. Look how much of the Star Wars universe is basically just "The Clone Wars".

I thought that was really far to go back too, but what are you gonna do, if you like Star Wars and want new content you have to take the good with the bad.
I disagree with that first part -- it's impossible. But I agree with the 2nd part of course.

I just think 30,000 years of the same old is really pushing it -- even for Star Wars. :lol Couldn't they just make the history 5,000 years? That's plenty of time for all the adventures you can imagine. Look how much of the Star Wars universe is basically just "The Clone Wars".

Whole Star Wars are made up from recycling events and stuff. Even from itself. So you are right. But in the end, it's not quite the same all the time so you gotta love rich universe as SW got no matter what :)
Whole Star Wars are made up from recycling events and stuff. Even from itself. So you are right. But in the end, it's not quite the same all the time so you gotta love rich universe as SW got no matter what :)

True, how many times do I need to see a Death Star destroyed :lol I blame the marketing analysts that think you have to stick to the formula to keep the fans, that was my biggest complaint about TFA it felt like new/old, just tell new stories that fit within the old universe, they don't have to involve the old characters and ships/Death Stars to be good, in fact I would prefer they not, just tell new stories that fit and I will keep coming back, that's why after the OT (which was awesome) I liked the clone wars, and KOTOR/TOR. They didn't have to follow the "desert kid destroys a Death Star and becomes a Jedi and destroys a sith" mold.
Well the only other Star Wars story seems to be the Chosen One who falls from grace and turns to the dark side.

That's George Lucas' story, that is the original Star Wars and it's great, but now that it's been told, keep telling new stories from within that rich universe.