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When Luke first interacts with the lightsaber in ANH nothing happens. To access Force abilities, Luke had to partially train under Obi-Wan (and his journals which he finds after ANH in the canon comics) and fully under Yoda. He sees a vision of the future in ESB as his power increases via training (3 years into his tutelage under Obi-Wan & Yoda).

Rey on the other hand had an immediate reaction to the lightsaber. It instantly showed her past (her as a child), present (Kylo facing her in the snow) and future (the Knights of Ren). It also let her see a memory that didn't belong to her - from Vader's perspective (on Bespin). A key moment in Vader's life as it was his first step in returning to the Light by showing compassion for Luke ("Don't make me destroy you.")

I think Maz's line is perfect. The lightsaber was calling to Rey because it belonged to her (Anakin).

The stuff later with her hearing "Kill Him" in her head during that moment of rage as Kylo lays injured in the snow, unlocked another key memory for Anakin - of when he first succumbed to the Dark Side by executing the injured Dooku at Palpatine's behest.

People online criticize TFA to death because they feel Rey's powers in the third act were absurd. I always tell those people - Anakin woke up when he found his lightsaber.

It explains Rey's impossible Jedi abilities, her borrowed memories and gives meaning to her time on Jakku (a period of penance for Anakin's atrocities as Vader).

I don't buy it, albeit an interesting theory.
If Rey was Anakin in the final act i highly doubt he would hurt or attempt to destroy his grandson.
Rey's just pissed cause he murdered Han frickin Solo!
New film, new characters...simples.
Less crappy theories. More pictures!








I don't buy it, albeit an interesting theory.
If Rey was Anakin in the final act i highly doubt he would hurt or attempt to destroy his grandson.
Rey's just pissed cause he murdered Han frickin Solo!
New film, new characters...simples.

Yep... Don't buy into the Anakin/Rey Reddit theory... It's been around since December. It's not true. ;)
When Luke first interacts with the lightsaber in ANH nothing happens. To access Force abilities, Luke had to partially train under Obi-Wan (and his journals which he finds after ANH in the canon comics) and fully under Yoda. He sees a vision of the future in ESB as his power increases via training (3 years into his tutelage under Obi-Wan & Yoda).

Rey on the other hand had an immediate reaction to the lightsaber. It instantly showed her past (her as a child), present (Kylo facing her in the snow) and future (the Knights of Ren). It also let her see a memory that didn't belong to her - from Vader's perspective (on Bespin). A key moment in Vader's life as it was his first step in returning to the Light by showing compassion for Luke ("Don't make me destroy you.")

I think Maz's line is perfect. The lightsaber was calling to Rey because it belonged to her (Anakin).

The stuff later with her hearing "Kill Him" in her head during that moment of rage as Kylo lays injured in the snow, unlocked another key memory for Anakin - of when he first succumbed to the Dark Side by executing the injured Dooku at Palpatine's behest.

People online criticize TFA to death because they feel Rey's powers in the third act were absurd. I always tell those people - Anakin woke up when he found his lightsaber.

It explains Rey's impossible Jedi abilities, her borrowed memories and gives meaning to her time on Jakku (a period of penance for Anakin's atrocities as Vader).

Very interesting theory in my opinion and a fun one. Although every theory presented makes sense. The Luke's daughter speculation makes sense, just as the Kenobi lineage makes sense. Each theory has great evidence to corroborate it.

I don't buy it, albeit an interesting theory.
If Rey was Anakin in the final act i highly doubt he would hurt or attempt to destroy his grandson.
Rey's just pissed cause he murdered Han frickin Solo!
New film, new characters...simples.

Perhaps that's precisely why she didn't kill/destroy him, after in the novelization hearing the voice "Kill him."
Yep... Don't buy into the Anakin/Rey Reddit theory... It's been around since December. It's not true. ;)

Unless you're part of the Episode VIII production, you honestly don't know.

And if for some absurd reason you are part of that production, the fact that you're pulling a Pablo Hidalgo on here telling people what's true and what isn't pretty much robs you of all credibility.

Disney wouldn't allow these story details to get out on some message board without serious consequence to the person leaking them and a person truly in the know wouldn't risk their livelihood for virtual strangers.

So like most people on Reddit, I just don't buy a word you're saying.
Unless you're part of the Episode VIII production, you honestly don't know.

And if for some absurd reason you are part of that production, the fact that you're pulling a Pablo Hidalgo on here telling people what's true and what isn't pretty much robs you of all credibility.

Disney wouldn't allow these story details to get out on some message board without serious consequence to the person leaking them and a person truly in the know wouldn't risk their livelihood for virtual strangers.

So like most people on Reddit, I just don't buy a word you're saying.

lol Your theories (imo) make no sense. I'm sure you are a nice guy though, so don't take it personally. Maybe you could start a thread where we can all discuss it more openly without derailing a thread dedicated to the HT Kylo Ren figure....
lol Your theories (imo) make no sense. I'm sure you are a nice guy though, so don't take it personally. Maybe you could start a thread where we can all discuss it more openly without derailing a thread dedicated to the HT Kylo Ren figure....

Didn't derail anything. The topic had shifted to Kylo's potential redemption a few pages back.

Also, while you're entitled to dismiss the Rey is Anakin theory, saying "it makes no sense because I don't like it" isn't much of an argument to disprove it.
Very interesting theory in my opinion and a fun one. Although every theory presented makes sense. The Luke's daughter speculation makes sense, just as the Kenobi lineage makes sense. Each theory has great evidence to corroborate it.

Luke being the father is still possible, though I feel would be on the nose and underwhelming. The Kenobi/Palpatine lineage stuff I just can't see happening.
Luke being the father is still possible, though I feel would be on the nose and underwhelming. The Kenobi/Palpatine lineage stuff I just can't see happening.

I don't see it happening either, no, but ones who have suggested that theory do provide evidence that corroborates it, just like any other theory. Like you said though a few posts back, it's funny to see people tell others which theory is "right" and which ones are "wrong". Unless they're part of the production team for any of these films, they don't know. I'm sure the ones who are getting the biggest laugh are the actual film makers.

Debating Rey's lineage and origin is like debating religion: Nobody knows for certain which one is "right", it's just their personal opinion and belief that's often times based on what they were told by someone else or read somewhere else.
I don't see it happening either, no, but ones who have suggested that theory do provide evidence that corroborates it, just like any other theory. Like you said though a few posts back, it's funny to see people tell others which theory is "right" and which ones are "wrong". Unless they're part of the production team for any of these films, they don't know. I'm sure the ones who are getting the biggest laugh are the actual film makers.

Debating Rey's lineage and origin is like debating religion: Nobody knows for certain which one is "right", it's just their personal opinion and belief that's often times based on what they were told by someone else or read somewhere else.


458 days to go.

Hopefully they don't troll us and make us wait until Episode IX to reveal Rey's lineage to us.
Didn't derail anything. The topic had shifted to Kylo's potential redemption a few pages back.

Also, while you're entitled to dismiss the Rey is Anakin theory, saying "it makes no sense because I don't like it" isn't much of an argument to disprove it.

It makes no sense because it's so so stupid.

Imagine walking into Disney HQ to pitch new Star Wars films and THAT was what you came to the table with. That the ghost of Anakin Skywalker is out causing mayhem.

Unless you're part of the Episode VIII production, you honestly don't know.

And if for some absurd reason you are part of that production, the fact that you're pulling a Pablo Hidalgo on here telling people what's true and what isn't pretty much robs you of all credibility.

Disney wouldn't allow these story details to get out on some message board without serious consequence to the person leaking them and a person truly in the know wouldn't risk their livelihood for virtual strangers.

So like most people on Reddit, I just don't buy a word you're saying.

Nope I am not part of the VIII production staff, but I can tell you for 100% that Rey is not Anakin reincarnated. Now back to Kylo... I would be willing to bet A LOT of money that he cemented his commitment to the dark side, and will not be redeemed.
Unless you're part of the Episode VIII production, you honestly don't know.

And if for some absurd reason you are part of that production, the fact that you're pulling a Pablo Hidalgo on here telling people what's true and what isn't pretty much robs you of all credibility.

Disney wouldn't allow these story details to get out on some message board without serious consequence to the person leaking them and a person truly in the know wouldn't risk their livelihood for virtual strangers.

So like most people on Reddit, I just don't buy a word you're saying.

Nope I am not part of the VIII production staff, but I can tell you for 100% certainty that Rey is not Anakin reincarnated. It is a crappy fan theory that actually started on Reddit before TFA was released by the same type of people that desperately wanted Snoke to be Plagueis.

Now back to Kylo... This is my opinion but, I would be willing to bet A LOT of money that he cemented his commitment to the dark side, and will not be redeemed.
That may be one of the dumbest theories I have ever heard. Impressive feat.

The Anakin theory is the same kind of convoluted, grasping at straws, garbage that made the prequels terrible.

It makes no sense because it's so so stupid.

Imagine walking into Disney HQ to pitch new Star Wars films and THAT was what you came to the table with. That the ghost of Anakin Skywalker is out causing mayhem.


Again, just because you think its a stupid theory doesn't disprove it one bit.

There's evidence to support it.

You don't have to like it, but if you're gonna bash it try doing so with better arguments than "I think its stupid." Food for thought.