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Again, just because you think its a stupid theory doesn't disprove it one bit.

There's evidence to support it.

You don't have to like it, but if you're gonna bash it try doing so with better arguments than "I think its stupid." Food for thought.

No. There is not evidence to support it. You seem to think there is, but there isn't.

I'm not going to waste one second more of my time arguing about dumb fan assumptions with a stranger on the Internet in the same way I'm not going to explain why it's wrong to believe that aliens built the pyramids.

Have a good life sir.
Nope I am not part of the VIII production staff, but I can tell you for 100% that Rey is not Anakin reincarnated. It is a crappy fan theory that actually started on Reddit before TFA was released by the same type of people that desperately wanted Snoke to be Plagueis.Now back to Kylo... I would be willing to bet A LOT of money that he cemented his commitment to the dark side, and will not be redeemed.

No disrespect, but your credibility is that of a Reddit user's right now.

Its the equivalent of me saying "I know with 100% certainty that Rey is Anakin Skywalker reincarnated". I don't, which is why I won't say that.

Also, I never subscribed to the theory via Reddit. I came to it [as explained earlier] by watching TFA several times and reading the Novelization.

I never pay attention to Reddit because 99.9% of the time people online who claim to be in the know are not in the know.
I'm not sure why so many people are jumping down the guy's (SNIKT1950) throat for merely for having his own opinion and theory, just like everyone else and their brother does. It's just as valid as any other theory rendered at this point and he provided, in my opinion, pretty sound evidence that does make sense and does corroborate his theory. I'll go out on a limb and say that Rey probably won't be Anakin reincarnated because for all we know, NONE of the theories rendered thus far will be correct, but I personally think it is a fun and interesting one and as mentioned, is as valid as any other theory presented.

Just because you personally might not want to see a particular theory be the possible story line that this new trilogy is going to follow doesn't make it any less valid than any other theory, including your own.

I mean in order for it to be "credible" in your (in a general sense) eyes, what theory is one supposed to be an advocate of from your perspective? The same one that you advocate just because that's what you personally want to see happen?
I'm not sure why so many people are jumping down the guy's (SNIKT1950) throat for merely for having his own opinion and theory, just like everyone else and their brother does. It's just as valid as any other theory rendered at this point and he provided, in my opinion, pretty sound evidence that does make sense and does corroborate his theory. I'll go out on a limb and say that Rey probably won't be Anakin reincarnated because for all we know, NONE of the theories rendered thus far will be correct, but I personally think it is a fun and interesting one and as mentioned, is as valid as any other theory presented.

Just because you personally might not want to see a particular theory be the possible story line that this new trilogy is going to follow doesn't make it any less valid than any other theory, including your own.

I mean in order for it to be "credible" in your (in a general sense) eyes, what theory is one supposed to be an advocate of from your perspective? The same one that you advocate just because that's what you personally want to see happen?

Alotta people online have a hate boner for the prequels and the thought of this new trilogy being greatly connected to them via something like The Prophecy of The Chosen One turns them off.

What's ironic is that those same people who deem the notion of reincarnation in Star Wars stupid have no issue with it in other media (Avatar, The Matrix, etc).

Its just like the "Snoke is Plagueis" theory. The people who hate it hate the prequels so much that they won't even consider it - because of its ties to the prequels. They don't want evidence. They just don't want any ties to Episodes I - III.

I encountered many people prior to TFA that went as far as to claim the word "Sith" would never be used in this new series. They were so convinced Abrams and co. would blatantly ignore the prequels that when they heard concept art of a Hayden Christensen Force Ghost was proposed at one point they went ape****.

I love all of Star Wars and embrace all the canon has to offer (books, comics, games).

There's alotta great theories out there right now regarding Episode VIII & part of the fun when waiting for a new film is speculating and theorizing.
I don't think it they would be so blatent in connecting things directly to the prequals. I think the theory of Rey being another flesh incarnation of the Force is sound, but I don't think they would go so far as to make her a reincarnation of Anakin. Given the majority attitude toward Eps. 1-3, I doubt they would want to tie themselves to it beyond the neccesary.
No disrespect, but your credibility is that of a Reddit user's right now.

Its the equivalent of me saying "I know with 100% certainty that Rey is Anakin Skywalker reincarnated". I don't, which is why I won't say that.

Also, I never subscribed to the theory via Reddit. I came to it [as explained earlier] by watching TFA several times and reading the Novelization.

I never pay attention to Reddit because 99.9% of the time people online who claim to be in the know are not in the know.

Jack has quite a bit of credibility. You just won't acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your theory which is why it isn't even worth discussing. You have already bought the farm. Your logic is flimsy because you base it on your personal interpretation of a vague bit of line at the beginning of a book which nearly 90% of the people who watch Star Wars will never read.

Star Wars is not Avatar. Quit trying to shoehorn your own irrelevant theories in the Kylo Ren figure thread discussion. At the very least post your off topic ideas in the Rey thread. :lol

Why is it always these clingy EU guys that take themselves so seriously?:dunno
Alotta people online have a hate boner for the prequels and the thought of this new trilogy being greatly connected to them via something like The Prophecy of The Chosen One turns them off.

What's ironic is that those same people who deem the notion of reincarnation in Star Wars stupid have no issue with it in other media (Avatar, The Matrix, etc).

Its just like the "Snoke is Plagueis" theory. The people who hate it hate the prequels so much that they won't even consider it - because of its ties to the prequels. They don't want evidence. They just don't want any ties to Episodes I - III.

I encountered many people prior to TFA that went as far as to claim the word "Sith" would never be used in this new series. They were so convinced Abrams and co. would blatantly ignore the prequels that when they heard concept art of a Hayden Christensen Force Ghost was proposed at one point they went ape****.

I love all of Star Wars and embrace all the canon has to offer (books, comics, games).

There's alotta great theories out there right now regarding Episode VIII & part of the fun when waiting for a new film is speculating and theorizing.

My sentiments as well.

Like it or not, the PT is still part of the SW canon and are Episodes I-III. They're not going to be redone. I'm not sure why they needed to be scrutinized so scrupulously because when you think about it, they only served one purpose: To delineate Darth Vader's backstory. I think they did that quite well while at the same time showing great portrayals of Qui-Gon Jinn and a young Obi-Wan.

Were they as good as the OT as an aggregate whole? No, they didn't have the same magic, but they served their purpose. RotS is actually one of my more favorite SW films. I really enjoyed that one. The other two were a bit meh if not for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

I'd be all over a HT RotS Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Jack has quite a bit of credibility. You just won't acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your theory which is why it isn't even worth discussing.

No, as I stated earlier, I don't buy people's internet claims of being in the know. If the poster in question was in the know he wouldn't be spilling Disney secrets to random strangers. I'd have no issue with Pablo Hidalgo saying "Rey is not Anakin nor the reincarnation of anyone or anything." Why? Because Pablo Hidalgo would be the one officially saying it. Not some Reddit user or this Jack Bauer dude.

You have already bought the farm. Your logic is flimsy because you base it on your personal interpretation of a vague bit of line at the beginning of a book which nearly 90% of the people who watch Star Wars will never read.

If you had bothered to read the post where I described the theory in full you'd see there's a whole lot more to it than just the "Kill Him." line in the novelization.

Star Wars is not Avatar. Quit trying to shoehorn your own irrelevant theories in the Kylo Ren figure thread discussion. At the very least post your off topic ideas in the Rey thread. :lol

There goes all your credibility. As I predicted, you have no argument.

You: "I don't like what you're proposing so that's why it isn't true LOL"
Me: "If you wanna disprove the theory take the time to conjure up an actual ARGUMENT."
I read your whole post. Like most posts by EU fan obsessives it bored me. Its not worth discussing. Especially not here.

You are obsessed with credibility. How is this: take your lame EU speculation to the appropriate thread and stop bumping this one. Until you do that, you have less than no credibility.You are a pebble in this thread's shoe.
Im gunna laugh my ass off when it turns out Rey isnt anything but a nobody, complete outsider with absolutely nothing to do with anything except being force sensitive :lol
I read your whole post. Like most posts by EU fan obsessives it bored me. Its not worth discussing. Especially not here.

You are obsessed with credibility. How is this: take your lame EU speculation to the appropriate thread and stop bumping this one. Until you do that, you have less than no credibility.You are a pebble in this thread's shoe.

Listen, if you have a personal problem with me (clearly you do) and what I have to say, simply ignore my posts and reply to things that interest you.

I'll continue to engage other posters that are less hostile and willing to have an actual [respectful] discussion.

*And btw, I don't even like the EU. Never did.
Yep. I have a problem with people who bring crap theories of no relevance to the thread in which they are posting. I also think your posts are condescending in tone and not at all respectful.

You: I have important theories to spout.
Most everyone else: That sounds stupid. Anyway here is a picture of Kylo Ren.
You: Why is my theory crap. It is logical and well thought out.
Most everyone else: It's crap because of this, this and this.
You: That is not a very well thought out answer. Your opinion of my opinion is wrong.
Me: Who cares WTF you think? Its off topic.
You: What a scathing rebuttle. Why don't you tell me why you hate my opinion?
Me: :moon
My sentiments as well.

Like it or not, the PT is still part of the SW canon and are Episodes I-III. They're not going to be redone. I'm not sure why they needed to be scrutinized so scrupulously because when you think about it, they only served one purpose: To delineate Darth Vader's backstory. I think they did that quite well while at the same time showing great portrayals of Qui-Gon Jinn and a young Obi-Wan.

Were they as good as the OT as an aggregate whole? No, they didn't have the same magic, but they served their purpose. RotS is actually one of my more favorite SW films. I really enjoyed that one. The other two were a bit meh if not for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

I'd be all over a HT RotS Anakin and Obi-Wan.

Agreed on all points. The prequels may not have had the greatest execution but they added a great deal to the Star Wars canon. They made Vader a truly tragic figure and a much more mythical character. His interactions with Luke in the OT became so much stronger for me after I saw ROTS. ROTS for me was a big win. Its the one I think Lucas pulled off beautifully.

And I absolutely believe HT PT figures would smoke HT TFA sales. TPM Maul, ROTS Anakin, ROTS Obi-Wan, ROTS Palpatine, ROTS Windu...they would all sell out.
This thread feels like deja vu, I'm sure we/you have had this debate already about Jack being "in the know".

I think the issue most take with your "NO CREDIBILITY" stance is that Jack has proven alot of times to have just that, info that turns out to be true. So he does in fact have credibility.
Im gunna laugh my ass off when it turns out Rey isnt anything but a nobody, complete outsider with absolutely nothing to do with anything except being force sensitive :lol


Do I have my own opinion on where Rey may come from? Yes. Do I think it's fun to discuss amicably? Yes. Am I going to vehemently debate it with others? No, because the fact is I don't know what's planned for her and quite frankly, there's more in life to worry about than whether or not the opinions of people on a web forum coincide with my opinion on Rey's lineage.

Agreed on all points. The prequels may not have had the greatest execution but they added a great deal to the Star Wars canon. They made Vader a truly tragic figure and a much more mythical character. His interactions with Luke in the OT became so much stronger for me after I saw ROTS. ROTS for me was a big win. Its the one I think Lucas pulled off beautifully.

And I absolutely believe HT PT figures would smoke HT TFA sales. TPM Maul, ROTS Anakin, ROTS Obi-Wan, ROTS Palpatine, ROTS Windu...they would all sell out.

You guys need to watch..Darth Snoopy has been on the moderating warpath as of late on these threads

Beware :lecture
Not sure I'd call my moderating these forums a "warpath". :lol

Anyway...be civil and play nice with each other, Freaks.


Please stay on thread topic which happens to be the Hot Toys 1/6th Kylo Ren figure not movie story theories.
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Bump. ^^

Hi guys.
Just got the figure and I really like it.
But the back of his tunic is heavily wrinkled out of the box.

Any tip how to straighten it without damaging the rubber like printed structure?
The underlying nylon tunic is wrinkled too but should be easily straightened with drying water...

Thanks for the help. :)
And I absolutely believe HT PT figures would smoke HT TFA sales. TPM Maul, ROTS Anakin, ROTS Obi-Wan, ROTS Palpatine, ROTS Windu...they would all sell out.
HT Maul, ROTS Anakin and Obi-Wan would be amazing. Definitely want them to delve into PT at some point. Think of all the clones they could make!