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The sculpt is a bit off. But much better than the Asmus Evangeline Lilly sculpt from The Hobbit Tauriel figure.

Maybe it's the neutral expression that's throwing it off? Evangeline Lilly has really distinct dimples and teeth when she smiles.

PO'd at Timewalker.
Enjoyed the movie and Wasp was the standout but I'm not sure enough for a purchase.. And I do have every other title character or have them ordered

Too many Ragnarok and Infinity figures to pay for..
I enjoyed the Wasp very much, definitely a keeper! but I'm pissed that...
...at least Black Panther gets a clean ending and only dying at the end of the very next movie. Here Wasp, along with her parents basically died at the last scene of their own movie...sort of cheapens the feel good ending just before
I enjoyed the Wasp very much, definitely a keeper! but I'm pissed that...
...at least Black Panther gets a clean ending and only dying at the end of the very next movie. Here Wasp, along with her parents basically died at the last scene of their own movie...sort of cheapens the feel good ending just before

Yeah when you put it that way it does seem kinda cruel. Even if the scene does take place several months after the main story. Of course it's also a given by this point that everybody will be restored in A4, so it's hard to take these deaths all that seriously.
I enjoyed the Wasp very much, definitely a keeper! but I'm pissed that...
...at least Black Panther gets a clean ending and only dying at the end of the very next movie. Here Wasp, along with her parents basically died at the last scene of their own movie...sort of cheapens the feel good ending just before

Yeah when you put it that way it does seem kinda cruel. Even if the scene does take place several months after the main story. Of course it's also a given by this point that everybody will be restored in A4, so it's hard to take these deaths all that seriously.

Eh, I get what you’re saying, but I really didn’t have an issue with it; mostly because of exactly what dj said.
My thoughts on that...

In context, nothing within the MCU universe can compare to the ending of Infinity. It's dark and it's terrible for humanity. There are no movies set between the timeline of Avengers Infinity and Avengers 4, so she can't get time in another movie unless she is going to be integral to Avengers 4. (which to be fair, I was kind of hoping she would)… Maybe this will be Scott's chance to really shine and prove his worth, given we've to a degree spent a bit of time the last few pages pointing out that with The Wasp on the scene, what is the point Scott even having a suit? (in hindsight, why did Hank just not send his daughter in to Pym-Tech, other than so as to not break her cover)

The timing of mid and post credit scenes is often a little vague, but I'd say it was several months after the events of the movie. There would have been more than a few days pass between the events of AMatW and Infinity, and it's not like BP did anything more than lead an army and die in Infinity. He was probably the most underused hero of the entire movie.. It probably did kill the feel good buzz of the movie a bit killing off the Pyms, but Marvel Studios know how we wait for these scenes (even casual viewers finally get it, I don't think I've ever sat in a theatre so full when the lights came on), and MS know we want to know what's going on in the Universe post the finger snap..
Sculpt is off after the recent Hot Toys sculpt hot streak...oh well. May wait for the inevitable new suit.
I enjoyed the Wasp very much, definitely a keeper! but I'm pissed that...
...at least Black Panther gets a clean ending and only dying at the end of the very next movie. Here Wasp, along with her parents basically died at the last scene of their own movie...sort of cheapens the feel good ending just before

So I really enjoyed this movie-

but I don't think I realized just how much I enjoyed it and how attached I had become to these characters till that ending and having all of them so abruptly lost in some way. It raises the stakes even more that I would have imagined they'd do coming off of IW. It doesn't feel cheap to me either, as I think Scott being trapped in the quantum realm and the *cough*time vortexes*cough* will factor in a big way how things get rolling in A4, and its at least a tangible thread to follow into that story line other than "well dang now what" that was the end of IW. I knew something like it was coming, but its a more impactful twist than I thought we'd get. I reacted to the ending cause I realized I cared a lot more than I thought I did. Well played, Marvel
You think the sculpt on this is better than the TA Wonder Woman then?

This is still a prototype and WW is production with better in hand photos but from what i have seen i think in the end they will be pretty clsoe to each other.

I think the production WW looks better than the prototype but it could just be getting it in hand and having good photos taken under good light.
Saw the movie yesterday and took another look at this figure. I think the head sculpt is pretty lousy now. Fails to really get the look and attitude of Hope.
Agreed. I like the helmeted look better and will display it that way. The hope sculpt looks nice but I will most likely only use it for a couple of pics and then back in the box it goes.
Shame this is so far away, but she and Ant-Man look great together. Ugh, 2019 is already getting expensive, but may need to squeeze this in. It's a problem for Future Me, after all.
Saw the movie yesterday and took another look at this figure. I think the head sculpt is pretty lousy now. Fails to really get the look and attitude of Hope.

Can't agree with that. Sculpt captures her look perfectly from the movie. Hot Toys just typically leaves most figures with a neutral look, which some people don't care for. I am very happy and hoping the final production sculpt is darn close to their prototype. Sad the wait will be nearly a year and a half before she gets here (along with Ant Man).
IMO they made her head shape too narrow on the full sculpt which is why it resembles Liv Tyler from some angles, but the face for what I assume is the in-mask sculpt looks a lot better because the cheekbones are more pronounced.

It doesn't change much for me because I was never planning on displaying her with the sculpt anyway.

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