1/6 Hot Toys -MMS 517- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION)

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Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I’m a bit confused here... I already have the HT ROTJ Luke but haven’t preordered their Endor Version. Is this the Endor version and ROTJ Luke in one?? What exactly is the difference between this figure and the other ROTJ? If someone knows, can you list what is additionally included here?

I’m starting to think I need to wait at least a year before preordering any Hot Toys just to make sure they don’t have a deluxe version following close behind it.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I’m a bit confused here... I already have the HT ROTJ Luke but haven’t preordered their Endor Version. Is this the Endor version and ROTJ Luke in one?? What exactly is the difference between this figure and the other ROTJ? If someone knows, can you list what is additionally included here?

I’m starting to think I need to wait at least a year before preordering any Hot Toys just to make sure they don’t have a deluxe version following close behind it.
It's the same figure but this version has an additional head sculpt, hair piece and hands as well as the sandstorm scarf and goggles, Endor gear and a new base. It doesn't include the brown cloak or wrist cuffs.

Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I’m a bit confused here... I already have
the HT ROTJ Luke but haven’t preordered their Endor Version. Is this
the Endor version and ROTJ Luke in one?? What exactly is the
difference between this figure and the other ROTJ? If someone knows,
can you list what is additionally included here?

I’m starting to think I need to wait at least a year before
preordering any Hot Toys just to make sure they don’t have a deluxe
version following close behind it.

It's the same figure but this version has an
additional head sculpt, hair piece and hands as well as the sandstorm
scarf and goggles, Endor gear and a new base. It doesn't include the
brown cloak or wrist cuffs.

Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk

Not so simple.

Original ROTJ Luke had forward looking portrait, cape, cuffs, DS base, a different set of hands (the only three ungloved undamaged right hands).
Endor Luke comes with gnarling sculpt, regular hair, Endor helmet, Endor base,no battle damaged hands but more gloved options. It's not clear if he comes with the grey kimono but likely yes.
DX Luke comes with all Endor Luke stuff plus sandstorm gear, damaged hand, and additional sculpt (same as Original ROTJ Luke but looking sideways) and hairpiece (windy).

Inviato dal mio WAS-LX1 utilizzando Tapatalk
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

We knew this was coming. Don’t understand the confusion or anger. Oh wait, that’s right. It’s HT collectors after all :slap:lol
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

It's classic HT, instead of releasing one fully encompassing single figure, release two where just the right separation of parts that might mean a lot to some customers will force them towards buying both.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

The V2 is a great looking saber. Why does it kill you?

I didn't want to buy another Luke from ROTJ, but with the saber, the hands, Endor gear and wind swept hair, it's becoming too much to try and pick up once parted out.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

Pretty annoyed with this one. Would have happily ordered the deluxe. Should have announced it as the same time as the original. Would love the deleted scene stuff. What happened to that accessory pack?
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I guess I would be pissed off if they new head sculpt didnt suck....

And if it weren’t obvious that hair is going to be parted out and recast.....

(And its boy even that good
To all the HT apologists out there, here is why the consumers are angry.....

They previewed this figure....as a stand alone Endor version. No where did they show a second head sculpt or they other stuff....
Thats false advertising , based strictly on the fact they had a lesser figure waiting in the wings to release after the first was basically sold out....

If you cant understand why a consumer would be upset about that.....I don’t know what to say to you.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I guess I would be pissed off if they new head sculpt didnt suck....

And if it weren’t obvious that hair is going to be parted out and recast.....

(And its boy even that good
To all the HT apologists out there, here is why the consumers are angry.....

They previewed this figure....as a stand alone Endor version. No where did they show a second head sculpt or they other stuff....
Thats false advertising , based strictly on the fact they had a lesser figure waiting in the wings to release after the first was basically sold out....

If you cant understand why a consumer would be upset about that.....I don’t know what to say to you.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

Pretty annoyed with this one. Would have happily ordered the deluxe. Should have announced it as the same time as the original. Would love the deleted scene stuff. What happened to that accessory pack?
To be fair there never officially was an accessory pack, just "interchangeable with upcoming accessories".

And those upcoming accessories are now included in MMS 516 and MMS 517.

Inviato dal mio WAS-LX1 utilizzando Tapatalk
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

And I thought the whole time that people paid for one and got two figures back then with DX7...
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

So I guess ROTJ Rancor Luke is coming next with giant bone and look of distress?
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

To be fair there never officially was an accessory pack, just "interchangeable with upcoming accessories".

And those upcoming accessories are now included in MMS 516 and MMS 517.

Inviato dal mio WAS-LX1 utilizzando Tapatalk

I guess so.

Less annoyed now that I realize the cloak isn’t included. It’s the way I display Luke it’s. A must. Still would have been mice to have it all in one release. I’ll just try to pick up the deleted scene stuff when parted out.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I guess I would be pissed off if they new head sculpt didnt suck....

And if it weren’t obvious that hair is going to be parted out and recast.....

(And its boy even that good
To all the HT apologists out there, here is why the consumers are angry.....

They previewed this figure....as a stand alone Endor version. No where did they show a second head sculpt or they other stuff....
Thats false advertising , based strictly on the fact they had a lesser figure waiting in the wings to release after the first was basically sold out....

If you cant understand why a consumer would be upset about that.....I don’t know what to say to you.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Exactly. This isn't a case of whining, this figure was not previewed to include all of these extras. Seems perfectly reasonable to me that people would think this was underhanded.

If at the release of the v1 hot toys had offered (or at least revealed) the all bells and whistles RotJ luke at a premium price, I'm guessing most people would have gone for the premium.

The timing of this so incredibly close to the originals release would seemingly indicate a cynical double dip cash grab by hot toys. It's only been months since this figure was released, if it was a couple of years ago people might be less irritated.

As it was with the Anakin release.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

my real complaint is how crummy the sculpts are! Bucky beaver luke.
Now, will he be chubby luke still or has he gone in a diet??
I have 2 chubby Luke’s right now.
That will really make me mad. I had to hide his belly behind the cloak and a crossed arm pose.
If this body is like the original rotj luke prototype, that will be the worst offense.
We all knew ht would pull a cash grab on this. Anyone who thought it wouldn’t be a full Endor figure was crazy, why would they release an accessory pack when they can bang us for another full figure?
That said, I’ll get the deluxe just for the extra sculpt because I want the Endor figure.
I’m sure we will see a serious expression palpatine shortly.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I would feel better about this release if I knew that Endor Leia was coming soon as well. :pray:
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

I'm sure hot toys only sees this as good business, high return for not much outlay, but im certain that these rapid releases of variant figures so close to the first release is doing nothing for customer relations. It'll be diminishing returns if they persist in alienating a limited market.

Anyway, as with the Anakin, I'm happy with the v1 and can easily pass on this. However, I wouldn't be so quick to pass judgement on those stating that this is a poor show by hot toys - it is. For most people, buying something this expensive is prohibitive, so to see an expanded version released after you've just broken the bank and bought a far more limited version would understandably be disappointing.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

Wow, how did those sculpts get approved? The mouths look terrible. It's like they used Jar Jar as a reference..

LUKE 3.jpgLuke.jpgjar jar binks.jpeg
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION

Once we got a $267 anakin dark side exclusive as a whole new figure, all bets are off. Ht is going to bend us over repeatedly. This is no surprise.
The fat suit or lack of is what screws me. I may have to get a second body to replace my Death Star luke body of this one is proportional.
Too bad no sign of Endor leia or a scout.

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