i hope its one of those super facehuggers and not the regular ones. i have 3 of the regulars already!
Predalien chestburster (bendy) with articulated mandibles!!
rumadman, how actually you get the facehugger???
and what about the alien egg?? can you tell me how to get the egg???
and how much will the egg cost??
rumadman, how actually you get the facehugger???
and what about the alien egg?? can you tell me how to get the egg???
and how much will the egg cost??
That may be so, but why did the first version have the ability to accommodate, at least, the medi kit. They must have known one was going to be made. Besides they still have the pic with him wearing it on their site. I guess they were just referring to the cleaner kit.
I sent an email off to HT a couple of days ago asking if there was an chance of accessory/upgrade kits being released, and asking why the first version didn't have all the goodies that V2 has.
I was told there are no plans at present for accessory packs (as far as I'm concerned that means it may be a remote possibility).
And the reason for the lack of kit with V1 was that it was developed prior to the movie being released. They were only allowed to use reference supplied and approved by FOX, after release a lot more stuff obviously became available.
Whether this was to protect some Predator designs or things might have been added in postproduction in pick ups I guess we'll never know.
But that’s the official line.
But the first release did come with the med kit (it doesn't open) but you can see it about 7 pics down in my review here-
You can see it in Lonewolfs canon mod here as well-
And there it comes down to money. The Predators are one of HT's most successful lines. In an ideal world, they'd have said hey, we're not getting all the details from FOX, let's wait til we can get it all and then we'll make a figure. Collector's didn't need a Wolf to debut at the time of the theatrical release to want Wolf. Hell, if HT does make a RAMBO figure, it'll be months after the film came out that we see it, doesn't bother them there. This explanation is just sugar coating for "we're ^^^^ing you over and milking this for all it's worth." They chose to rush Wolf because they knew they'd get money for the second one down the road too.