The overall figure is great.
Outfit is very well weathered. The pants are acutally really dull camo and look like clean camo that's been around the block, unlike Dutch, shame his didn't look like this. I'm really impressed with the wearing of color on the coat, I didn't think that'd come through in production being a pleather instead of cloth, but it's there and looks great, the furry lining came out really nice, doesn't look out of scale. All in all, I'd say weathering is a huge highlight on this thing, it's all weathered, the clothes, his weapons, the wearing on the C4 packs looks fantastic, the dirtying of his face is unbelievable.
Which leads to the last highlight, the skin paint apps. This is the best mass production pain job on human skin I've seen on a figure yet. Great mix of red hues worked into the base flesh color to give it some life, and the fine blotting of dity to make him look like he's been out in the battlefield.
I'll start with paint continuing from the highlights. Like I said, the skin is fantastic, and even the application of the hair tones is great, however, the color choices I think are a bit poor. I think the hair on the top of his head is about right for Bale with a full head of hair, but I think a more muted and lighter shade, not too much, but a bit, would have helped sell the shortness of his hair, that his skin showing through lightens it, where the factory paint is such a dark hue that it looks pretty solid. I think had the beard been a lighter shade too, it would have helped. Bale had the facial hair, but it was almost questionable at times because of the thinness of it and lightness of the hairs' color. At times on the figure, it's so strong, it throws the resemblance a bit because it looks more bold than we saw on screen.
Another low that for those getting v1 and v2 is moot but for those just getting v1 is an issue I feel, would be the hands and gun. The way this rifle is rigged and the sculpts of the hands that come with the figure, mixed with his pleather jacket, make for a bit of a challenge finding realistic looking rifle holding poses. Now, with the proper gun, I think you could reenact poses from publicity stills of him in this costume, but the mix of hands, gun setup and costume make for a challenge. Though v2 will probably be the same 2 hands, his cloth costume should be more flexible and allow you to hold this rifle properly.
Now, those are lows that if I were to take an objective view of the figure, I'd find them, but personally, they aren't impacting my enjoyment of this figure.
The last low, however, does impact enjoyment, which would be the "cheap" construction methods on the harness rigs. Firstly, I'm not sure why HT couldn't have shipped him preassembled and just have us put the clips into their pouches, but even the pouches arleady on him use the same methods. The pull the strap through the loop holding style for the pouches and the weak "magic tape" used for closing the pouches is a bit of a let down. You can get figures for $50 less or more than this figure that use better methods for this stuff, and even past HT figures have used better. This obsession with velcro, that I've noticed starting last summer with v1 Joker, is really hurting HT's figures and at $140 plus, I consider that a bit unnacceptable. Employ magnets, snaps, whatever it takes, and firmly stitch pouches onto harness so they'll always stay in place. Figures at this price shouldn't come dishevelled or "fall apart" so easily without even touching them, HT's better than that and they need to return to it.
I realize as far as words, you'd think I'm more negative on this thing than positive, but the good parts are just so stunning, there's really not much you can say with words about it, and I think photos speak enough for that, the lows require a bit more explanation. If i say the paint's great and put up a photo, you can go yeah no ^^^^

, if I say this part sucks, it begs questions as to why, so I elaborate.