1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Golden Age Captain America

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Pics had me worried, but watching the video makes it look better. I'm keepin my pre order.
$160? From where?

Most eBay listings are around $275 - $300. If you're serious, please tell me where to look.

I just canceled my waitlist. Not happy with the final product. I would prefer to have TFA with all of the accessories. The diecast shield isnt enough of a draw for me and I agree that the quality of the HS will impact the overall value of this figure. Not worth holding onto it IMHO.

I got mine on eBay for 150 shipped, dude. And I saw one that sold for the same price on Sunday. You just gotta keep on the look out.

Yeah, I said $160 because that's how much some of them were going for back when I wanted to sell mine. However, Arycon is right, the completed listings are around and over the $300 mark. I guess the price is going to get even higher now.

Now I'm just glad I kept mine.
Interesting. Now I can see that looking at pics, yet he still looks stuffy in nearly every pose!

I think Cap looks bulky and stuffy in this suit in in TFA and WS, so it looks accurate to me. I liked the look of it on film but I'm always reminded of Ralphy's brother in A Christmas Story" "I can't move my arms!!!" LOL

I don't really see the hate. The sculpt does look a bit off but other than that it looks great. I'm keeping my order and I'm very pumped to get Cap in.
I don't really see the hate. The sculpt does look a bit off but other than that it looks great. I'm keeping my order and I'm very pumped to get Cap in.

Let US Complain!

Other than the head it looks ok to me. I have the first avenger version so I never ordered this one. I like the extra strip on the front.
Ugh, what an awful expression! He looks so scared! Who at Hot Toys thought this was a good idea for a Cap head sculpt?
The mouth is OK, but they should have given him the same eyes as the Avengers version if they wanted to go that route IMO.


The head also seems awkwardly shaped to me.
Called it! hahah Anyway....

For the price of figures these days, I really wish every figure came with two expressions. One calm for museum pose and one emotional for action poses. I love the figure, and like that he's showing some emotion, better for action poses IMO.

Still, looks nothing like Chris Evans. But I think this is one of those figures that will look a lot better in hand. Can't wait to get mine.