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That's the funny thing about this figure, I like it a lot overall and look forward to getting it, but even I'll admit that it does not look good in certain photos. Others, like the shield over the head pic above, look way, way better. Which is why I said once you have it in hand I'm sure you'll be able to make it look the way that you want. The expression does demand more of an action pose and not museum, for sure.
I think HT sculpted the head so as to accompany either Falcon or Bucky. If I recall correctly, during the helicarrier scenes with Falcon, Steve didn't really wear a "game face" much. He even made mild jokes to Falcon at least twice. And in his final confrontation with Bucky, Steve had an empathetic countenance, being a best friend and whatnot. To me, the sculpt strives to embody either of these emotions while Steve is mid-sentence as he addresses either of the two comrades. I think it's kind of cool. Furthermore, it would look a little bland if Golden Age was displayed near Stealth and they both had neutral expressions.
I think HT sculpted the head so as to accompany either Falcon or Bucky. If I recall correctly, during the helicarrier scenes with Falcon, Steve didn't really wear a "game face" much. He even made mild jokes to Falcon at least twice. And in his final confrontation with Bucky, Steve had an empathetic countenance, being a best friend and whatnot. To me, the sculpt strives to embody either of these emotions while Steve is mid-sentence as he addresses either of the two comrades. I think it's kind of cool. Furthermore, it would look a little bland if Golden Age was displayed near Stealth and they both had neutral expressions.

Nice observation!
It's usually about a month......hopefully SSC prepping for San Diego Comic Con which is at the end of July doesn't delay anything.
Saw the proto and preordered it knowing what Im getting and not expecting for a change and I am not complaining one bit. Personally I think this looks awesome with its flaws and what cof said is true, this fig calls for a more action pose.
Come on Shipping Notification…btw does anyone know if we can hook the shield on the back without the TFA back hook?

It's usually about a month......hopefully SSC prepping for San Diego Comic Con which is at the end of July doesn't delay anything.
:lecture Listen to this man :exactly:
He's being sarcastic, genius.


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Fran you need to ditch the 'sent from tapatalk' garbage :rotfl