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I think the legs look way too long. HT has been using the hero proportions since the beginning and I would rather have my figures look human. If you look at the comparison pictures between the First Avenger figure and this one, you can see the waist is higher on this one.
I wonder how long the vest is as well. It would be nice to be able to give some material to make the pants more baggy. I just watched Clipper's un bagging and the legs appear really skinny on the figure. If there is padding in the upper body, removing that, extending the neck would help with the top.

Short pegs and dropping the pants a bit may get the proportions to look better but the vest would need some length to lower the waistline.
They finally have gotten a few figures proportionate lately. Thor is pretty good, so is MOS Supes. But this has a weird bulkier upper half and long legs. I fixed it a bit (could have gone further with it in hindsight) in a PS a few days ago.. if only it was this easy to fix the actual figure.. :lol

Well torso extensions are easy as long as there is enough fabric to except the stretch. The good thing about this scale 1/4" is massive so hopefully there is enough there to work with.
Well torso extensions are easy as long as there is enough fabric to except the stretch. The good thing about this scale 1/4" is massive so hopefully there is enough there to work with.

I'd say the inward fabric tuck under the chest (which is causing some of the inflated torso) will be the trickiest to sort. Neck extensions, ankle shortening or even an entire body swap will sort the other stuff out. But it's the costume stitching construction which is making it weird looking right now and could be trickier to fix. It can be made a lot better though for sure.
Not one piece of this figure has parted out yet overseas. Don't know how to read into this. Either it is ultra limited, or they don't think breaking up the figure is work the money for selling it as a hole figure right now.

Id imaging some collectors in the states will start parting it out just wanting the shield. Pretty bizarre considering Thor Light armor is all over the place and it was supposed to be limited as well.
Not one piece of this figure has parted out yet overseas. Don't know how to read into this. Either it is ultra limited, or they don't think breaking up the figure is work the money for selling it as a hole figure right now.

Id imaging some collectors in the states will start parting it out just wanting the shield. Pretty bizarre considering Thor Light armor is all over the place and it was supposed to be limited as well.

Thor Light Armour wasnt a promo edition though was it? Just exclusive to SS?
Yeah. I saw the diecast shield on onesixthkit recently. I dont think it is out yet, but it is only $20. If it is a solid diecast shield then I cant see this promo fig hitting huge numbers value wise. Ddef not the $600 some have quoted. I doubt this guy will fetch more than $350 - $400 after release. There just arent many reasons to own it other than its a variant GA suit and has a limited production run. HS isnt what most were wanting and diecast shield can be had third party.

Really loving my decision to grab a Masterpiece Optimus Prime instead.

I still think this is a cool fig tho.
Anyone get converted for this guy? I cancelled mine yesterday. I was hoping someone on the board got it.
Ok mine arrived today

figure is fine in hand to me, i know we say that time and time again but in this case its true, with some messing around and some positioning i've got him to a point im happy with for now.

the articulation is fine suit doesn't seem to hinder him too much, the sculpt seems fine in person although i do with they would have gone for a closed mouth look.

The shield? my god is it good, nice weight, cold to the touch and light just bounces off it, giving it that shine.

Here are a couple of pics of mine enjoy







