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Another pic from a more front on angle, just to show he doesn't look as fat as people say although im not going to butter it up too much the sculpt could have been improved especially the open mouth but i still really like it and am happy to display it and it looks fine on certain angles.

View attachment 116690

Nice clean pics Stealth! Still think the head sucks and he's bulky at the shoulders, but love the colors of the suit. These types of photos pretty much show what we will have in hand soon.

His legs appear to be very skinny as well, do you think they are long and slender in hand?

Nice clean pics Stealth! Still think the head sucks and he's bulky at the shoulders, but love the colors of the suit. These types of photos pretty much show what we will have in hand soon.

His legs appear to be very skinny as well, do you think they are long and slender in hand?


yeah definitely, actually suffers from bane syndrome(skinny jeans) but they can be pulled out to be more baggy thus helping the legs, im going to put him on shorter pegs and futz his pants over the weekend. He is still kinda puffy at the shoulders even after futzing although its not as bad as straight out of the box but, im going to look into that area too if i can.
Another pic from a more front on angle, just to show he doesn't look as fat as people say although im not going to butter it up too much the sculpt could have been improved especially the open mouth but i still really like it and am happy to display it and it looks fine on certain angles.

View attachment 116690

I love it! Great pictures! And very helpful info too :)

Thank God I never bought this POS and have the TFA version. Sooooo UGLY

Thank God I never bought this POS and have the TFA version. Sooooo UGLY


Had to do it.
Not one piece of this figure has parted out yet overseas. Don't know how to read into this. Either it is ultra limited, or they don't think breaking up the figure is work the money for selling it as a hole figure right now.

Id imaging some collectors in the states will start parting it out just wanting the shield. Pretty bizarre considering Thor Light armor is all over the place and it was supposed to be limited as well.

Haha i've been checking ebay for the diecast shields. Well since the diecast shield is gonna be a staple of Cap figures from now on, i'm sure we will eventually see more once AOU Cap comes out as well as future versions.
Another pic from a more front on angle, just to show he doesn't look as fat as people say although im not going to butter it up too much the sculpt could have been improved especially the open mouth but i still really like it and am happy to display it and it looks fine on certain angles.

View attachment 116690

I suspected that it would look great under normal lights. Thanks for the pics.