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this figure came out really good, im glad i was able to preorder one in time. in the first pictures he did look a bit pinheaded but Stealths pics are just amazing. great fig, plus i got me a Rogers sculpt from headplay to put on my TFA cap, no point in having both wearing the helmet.
Ok mine arrived today

figure is fine in hand to me, i know we say that time and time again but in this case its true, with some messing around and some positioning i've got him to a point im happy with for now.

the articulation is fine suit doesn't seem to hinder him too much, the sculpt seems fine in person although i do with they would have gone for a closed mouth look.

The shield? my god is it good, nice weight, cold to the touch and light just bounces off it, giving it that shine.

Here are a couple of pics of mine enjoy

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Looks awesome!!!
Love the last pic. Really nice to see how it would look in hand.
Grats man.
Another pic from a more front on angle, just to show he doesn't look as fat as people say although im not going to butter it up too much the sculpt could have been improved especially the open mouth but i still really like it and am happy to display it and it looks fine on certain angles.

Another pic from a more front on angle, just to show he doesn't look as fat as people say although im not going to butter it up too much the sculpt could have been improved especially the open mouth but i still really like it and am happy to display it and it looks fine on certain angles.

View attachment 116690

Does his helmet come that shiney or did you gloss it?

Im not digging the gloss but that can easily be fixed with a satin or matte finish on it. No biggie. Looks good!
I think it comes that way, seen it in other photos as well. But I think its the proximity of the lighting that's making it more pronounced in this photo.
Does his helmet come that shiney or did you gloss it?

Im not digging the gloss but that can easily be fixed with a satin or matte finish on it. No biggie. Looks good!

figure is completely stock currently, i am going to try a few things on it in due time and one is toning down the helmet shine

also yeah for that shot i had him more or less under the dioder strip just for a bit more lighting but it still has a bit of shine to it
Another pic from a more front on angle, just to show he doesn't look as fat as people say although im not going to butter it up too much the sculpt could have been improved especially the open mouth but i still really like it and am happy to display it and it looks fine on certain angles.

View attachment 116690

Quick question, because this is my first HT pre order from SSC, since it is out in England already, how long until we get in the US since we are not that distant from England?
Quick question, because this is my first HT pre order from SSC, since it is out in England already, how long until we get in the US since we are not that distant from England?

its actually not out in england, it released in Hong kong on friday which is where i get most of my figs from, sideshow get releases mainly about 4-6 weeks after Hk and the uk sellers come in dragging their feet about 2 or 3 months after sideshow :/
its actually not out in england, it released in Hong kong on friday which is where i get most of my figs from, sideshow get releases mainly about 4-6 weeks after Hk and the uk sellers come in dragging their feet about 2 or 3 months after sideshow :/

Oh i see, so we should get this in mid July or something right?
Yep. We are about 3 - 4 weeks from shipping state side once there are in hand pics from HK. Most of the PO's in the US should have him shipping around the 18th or so and in hand by July 25th.

That is a guestimate! Do not quote me on that.
^^NOOOOO that's soo long. Come on I hope it comes earlier, although that seems about right.
You could get it now if you have plenty of $$$. I just checked and plenty of HK sellers on eBay have it for a $450. I know, a bargain.

Lol, if I didn't have the PO I would actually get sucked in and blow a whole bunch of extra money on the ebay listing from HK.