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Is this ClipperKing from YouTube?
Yeah man your vids help me a lot on certain figures. Niche better than Sean Long because he doesn't give honest thoughts on things. It would keep him from getting free stuff. Your vids are long but very informative....which is what collectors need. Thanks for the latest vid on Cap
Keep em going!!!!

That Hendrix review was amazing

yeah I love ClipperKing's bluntness. If its a **** figure he says so. Not Sean Long, "Oh this figure is awesome, its so cool blah blah blah" , in that awful voice of his.
I will certainly be futzing. It looks like cap is going to need a body swap. Those pants are way to tight on the figure. Stealth mentioned Bane legs so it appears this one will be a tight thigh no matter what body. At least a new body would free up material and hopefully relieve the bird legs I am seeing on the figure straight from the package.

Yeah, I'm very curious to know what the suit is like off? What's futzable and what's not. I had to do a frankenbody slice up on Spangled Cap might be required here too? :lol
And rory wonders why clip *****es about this board :lol
thanks LipSmack you and loads of other guys have always been really great and welcoming over here on ssf , theres just a few that everytime I come over to post anything (normally a video) they react like ive come over from youtube to wash my feet in theyre little pool and by me being here it lessens the weight of theyre opinion or influence . my videos do all my talking so keep up with em coz they might go to fast for ya , waiman shin , lee ward and matt dexter all know where I stand in regard to where I buy my things from , ive never back stabbed anyone or biten the hand that feeds , and I don't think rorywan is well placed enough to know what happens behind closed doors and if ya want your shout out bruva its posted all over theclipper king facebook page .....I cant make that any clearer for ya

to the other guys who don't feel the need to puff out there chests everytime I come over thanks for your ongoing support and feed back , I do always read em and where answers are required I will post but I try to keep my appearance to a minimum to save the so called big names over here getting butt hurt , hey ya go rorywan the pools all yours again , you can go back to being the big fish now the shark is swimming away ....tot tar
thanks LipSmack os loadoss of other guys have alll know wha react like iveos comosh em colly great and welcoming over here on ssf , theres just a few that everytime I come over to post anything (normally a video) they react like iveos comosh em coz they might go to fae always bst for ya , waiman shin , lee ward and matt dexter all know where I std matt dexter all knand in regard to where I buy my things from , ive nevebeen reexter all know wheally great and welcoming over here on ssf , theres just a few that everytime I come over to post anything (normally a video) they react like iveos comosh em coz thbeen really great and welcoming over here on ssf , theres just a few that everytime I come over to post anything (normally a video) they react like iveos comosh em coz they might go to fae always bo to fae always br back stabbed anyone or biten the hand th over theclipper kingat feeds , and I donens behind close't think rorywn't think rory enough to know what happens behind closed doors and if ya waosnt your shout out bruva its posted all over theclipper king fan't think rory....I cant make that any clearer for ya

to the other guys who don't feel the need to puff out tk roryr guys who don't feeleverytime I come over thanks for your ongoing support and feed back , I do always read em and where answers are required I will post but I try biten the hand th over theclipper kingat feeds ark is swimming away ....tot tar


Is this ClipperKing from YouTube?
Yeah man your vids help me a lot on certain figures. Niche better than Sean Long because he doesn't give honest thoughts on things. It would keep him from getting free stuff. Your vids are long but very informative....which is what collectors need. Thanks for the latest vid on Cap
Keep em going!!!!

That Hendrix review was amazing
Thanks HeatNation for your kind words mate , I try to cover everything id want to know as a viewer and I guess they do get kinda long but hey its that are do multiple parts . anyway did ya check out the review on the nba figures including lebron id love to know your thoughts pal
thanks LipSmack you and loads of other guys have always been really great and welcoming over here on ssf , theres just a few that everytime I come over to post anything (normally a video) they react like ive come over from youtube to wash my feet in theyre little pool and by me being here it lessens the weight of theyre opinion or influence . my videos do all my talking so keep up with em coz they might go to fast for ya , waiman shin , lee ward and matt dexter all know where I stand in regard to where I buy my things from , ive never back stabbed anyone or biten the hand that feeds , and I don't think rorywan is well placed enough to know what happens behind closed doors and if ya want your shout out bruva its posted all over theclipper king facebook page .....I cant make that any clearer for ya

to the other guys who don't feel the need to puff out there chests everytime I come over thanks for your ongoing support and feed back , I do always read em and where answers are required I will post but I try to keep my appearance to a minimum to save the so called big names over here getting butt hurt , hey ya go rorywan the pools all yours again , you can go back to being the big fish now the shark is swimming away ....tot tar

Thank you for not loving and praising everything SSC and HT put out. Subscribed.
No kidding. I can't even begin to count how many people say every Hot Toy they own is "amazing" or "the best thing ever". Most are awesome but not every single one is worth that praise

I agree with you on that a lot of big name sponsored reviewers are not honest because they are promoting something to be sold . I like Clippers brutal honesty . Yes he is very opinionated and brash and some people might think he is offensive . I have had many conversations with him before during and after figure chats . Simply misunderstood . Keep the reviews and honesty coming .

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I agree with you on that a lot of big name sponsored reviewers are not honest because they are promoting something to be sold . I like Clippers brutal honesty . Yes he is very opinionated and brash and some people might think he is offensive . I have had many conversations with him before during and after figure chats . Simply misunderstood . Keep the reviews and honesty coming .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Haha absolutely! The first time I watched one of his reviews I was like woah what the...:lol then I found myself going back to his reviews because of his opinions and honesty. Very refreshing and appreciated :) He is my favorite reviewer, not to say I don't disagree with some of his opinions on figures but his view is always great in my opinion
Thanks HeatNation for your kind words mate , I try to cover everything id want to know as a viewer and I guess they do get kinda long but hey its that are do multiple parts . anyway did ya check out the review on the nba figures including lebron id love to know your thoughts pal

IMHO, your vids are exactly what I am looking for in a figure review. From your close-ups to the material, head sculpts, small detailed items and how you pose them. All that combined helps in my decision about buying or not buying a fig. I always appreciate honesty and pointing out things that may or may not be an issue with fellow collectors during your reviews.
IMHO, your vids are exactly what I am looking for in a figure review. From your close-ups to the material, head sculpts, small detailed items and how you pose them. All that combined helps in my decision about buying or not buying a fig. I always appreciate honesty and pointing out things that may or may not be an issue with fellow collectors during your reviews.


Keep it up Clipper!
Another great review done by Clipper. I always love his reviews. This is a pretty cool release but not enough for me to buy it. If the price was lower than I would of definitely bought it. My money is going to the Two Pack. Oh and my money is going to my upcoming Vacation. Now where is the Processing Notice for Thor? :impatient:
Another great review done by Clipper. I always love his reviews. This is a pretty cool release but not enough for me to buy it. If the price was lower than I would of definitely bought it. My money is going to the Two Pack. Oh and my money is going to my upcoming Vacation. Now where is the Processing Notice for Thor? :impatient:

The two pack is going to be the definitive Cap set for quite a while I think man. Also the parts from it will rejuvenate all the previous releases. At last we will have decent sculpts to go on our figures. Once the knock offs hit ebay I'd like to bet we will get helmeted versions (TFA, Avengers, this) of the new sculpts as well.
I see that subtle jab there at a certain LONG time collector.... lol :lol

It's not a jab when it's the widely known truth that he kisses Hot toys and sideshow's @$$ to maintain his sponsorship :lol or he simply "loves" each and every single figure he owns and finds them absolutely perfect.

Clipper buys these things with his own money, to hell with kissing @$$, I very much prefer a collector with realistic opinions. He calls them as he sees them and I respect him a lot for that.
The two pack is going to be the definitive Cap set for quite a while I think man. Also the parts from it will rejuvenate all the previous releases. At last we will have decent sculpts to go on our figures. Once the knock offs hit ebay I'd like to bet we will get helmeted versions (TFA, Avengers, this) of the new sculpts as well.

Exactly! :rock Bring it on.
I enjoy both Sean and Ric's reviews. I also believe they are both being honest with their reviews. Sean Long is very juvenile and youthful, and I don't mean that as an insult. When you consider that, think about when you were a kid. I know I was excited about Spawn figures and mostly liked everything about them when I was in my 20's. I also don't think there's anything wrong with earning a living and reviewing figures. There are a lot of reviewers that get free figures from SSC and are also critical of the figures, I don't think it's in SSC best interest to strong arm opinion shapers in the community.

For me it comes down to what mood I'm in when I want to watch a review. When I'm in kind of an excited nerdy mood I want to watch a review where the reviewer is as excited about the figure as I am. Sometimes figures are AWESOME. On those days I watch a Sean Long review. When I'm in a cynical or cranky mood I watch Clipper's reviews, the english accent combined with the constant swearing cracks me up.

With my reviews I attempt to the best of my ability to ride the line between both styles, I also try to keep it professional and just give the basic facts to the best of my ability and let the consumer make up their own mind. In the end I'm my own worst critic. And when I shoot a review I think to myself and wonder if I would want to watch this myself.

Just my opinions on the matter : )