Ok fellas, had some time tonight so i stripped cap down, here are some shots of the body/thighs and inside the clothing.
just a heads up there is nothing massively irreversible here, the only irreversible part is when taking the top away, the waist(striped area) inside has a small stitch which attatches to the underpants, once cut this doesn't create stray threads or ruin the striped area. The small stitches are very reminiscent of the man of steel stitches on his cape.
the pants have no inner lining(padding), cap does have those bits to make his thighs fatter.
The body had this weird plastic second torso which gives him huge traps (which is what i believe assits in him having no neck).
This is glued down btw and at quick pull takes some pulling to remove
There is no other padding except his weirdly looking french knickers lol and a band of padding around his midsection (which to me doesnt need to be there as the striped section is thick enough.
inside the jacket there is a thin layer of padding on the shoulders and front section (although this is not that thick), i don't believe there is any inside the arms themselves.
I hope these help you guys and rory to see if you can do anything to the suit

I am currently in the process of doing a body swap and foot peg swap as the pegs are HUGE. ( i have a mgs3 snake body lying around as im building a custom will post updates soon)
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