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The ClipperKing provides a really good view of the figure....can't listen to that guy though...he strikes some good poses with it and shows off it's proportions really well.

Still hoping that WL turns into an order.....
I pick my side dammit! I'm just busting your chops Rory :lol

Idk how or why people get so heated over video toy reviews, it makes no sense to me. :huh
I don't hate it. It's a good review, honestly it could have been 15-20 shorter and without the cartoon voices. I actually agree with 90% of Ricks reviews. That's not what this is about. I just know more about Mr. Wonderful than you guys do. OffWorld stuff.
And unlike Rick I won't post that dirty laundry here. Wait though, in time you will understand. Trust me on that. The guys a thug, has been incredibly negative about this site, it's members, it's mods and it's founder. I don't think that's cool when posting videos here for income. And playing you guys for fools.

Pick your side, stand your ground. Be a man (or woman).
Don't play 2 sides. Don't be disingenuous, or two faced.


Rory you know I like you but I gotta disagree :lol

Ive said some pretty brutal things about the mods and dave too... They (a few mods) have a history of doing some super shady ****. They arent the greatest of people. sure some of the mods are fantastic (ink, Snoop, DarthChris, Adoptedscott?, Josh, and Jen who I dont see much of anymore) but some others stain the good work they do.

Sure dave made this place, and we owe him a certain debt of gratitude, but that does not include un-dieing loyalty to the guy. Watching the 2+hour vid clip did (undisputed truth?) he shares a lot of his faults and wrong doings of the past and is completely open, and even apologetic about some ****. that is what for I have massive respect, he's open and honest. and your assertion that hes a back stabber thug or something is just wrong man. He's right to hate on some of the modship here. is the whole board bad? hell no, and I dont see him saying that, he *****es about choice members and how things are run (shady as ****)

I get you may have a history with him some arent aware of so Im not gunna try and justify what that may be, but he has been pretty upfront about dramas and some of his flip flopping, mad respect to him though
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I pick my side dammit! I'm just busting your chops Rory :lol

Idk how or why people get so heated over video toy reviews, it makes no sense to me. :huh

Its not really about the reviews but started mainly with people not liking his use of swearing in the review, and how its not kid friendly.... **** em :lol
Its not really about the reviews but started mainly with people not liking his use of swearing in the review, and how its not kid friendly.... **** em :lol

Never understood this. These are adult collectibles; therefore, who cares if someone uses foul language or not. :dunno If it offends, don't watch. If you have kids in the room, use headphones or watch it later when they are not around or asleep.
Never understood this. These are adult collectibles; therefore, who cares if someone uses foul language or not. :dunno If it offends, don't watch. If you have kids in the room, use headphones or watch it later when they are not around or asleep.
I duno what your all talking about but regarding this comment i agree. People are too soft nowadays. If you know someones gonna offend your delicate virgin ears then dont watch their video.
Its not really about the reviews but started mainly with people not liking his use of swearing in the review, and how its not kid friendly.... **** em :lol

I agree about not liking the foul language,It's gets old hearing the F word in sentences, along with it doesn't sound intelligent to use foul language especially as part of your regular speech