lol@$300 head sculpts
No one asked you. Go to bed.
I agree about not liking the foul language,It's gets old hearing the F word in sentences, along with it doesn't sound intelligent to use foul language especially as part of your regular speech
yeah well youre the guy who thinks vaccinations cause autism so yeah...
MERCURY is the one most Toxic substances known to man and Vaccine shots are filled with yeah,I can see a Vaccine giving folks Nero disorder's and children Autism![]()
I hope you never eat anything sea food related then, youre going to go critical !!!![]()
there is Big difference from eating seafood and getting very little Mercury from it than voluntarily injecting Mercury into your system and weakening the immune system...Mercury is a known Nero Toxin along with Thiomersal (which is another poison)
Why must you bait me into these type of conversations here?
Yeah the difference is theres more mercury accrued from eating seafood regularly then getting vaccinated yearly
moving on this cap sucks ass
Yeah the difference is theres more mercury accrued from eating seafood regularly then getting vaccinated yearly
moving on this cap sucks ass
Same here. I'm sure his reviews are fine, but that voice is a bit grating to me.....can't listen to that guy though...
You're always going to have people whining about this or that. Unless they're overly douchy about it as some can be, I've got no problem personally with people being critical or even posting their videos if they see the forum in a negative light. But one thing I don't care for is blatant spamming of a thread with a video over and over to get views or whatever, no matter what the content.The guys a thug, has been incredibly negative about this site, it's members, it's mods and it's founder. I don't think that's cool when posting videos here for income. And playing you guys for fools.
I'm sure several of us would shed a few tears if you wanted to act with integrity, and leave this shady site forever, Lip. But, we would things are run (shady as ****)
Exactly. Shadow mods deleted my gif....meanies.
I'm sure several of us would shed a few tears if you wanted to act with integrity, and leave this shady site forever, Lip. But, we would understand.