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"Lay on wire" refers to barbed wire, as in rolls of it used as battlefield obstacles. And when in a hell of a rush without the proper equipment or time to cut it all apart having someone dive on top of it and the rest crawl over them is not an unknown tactic, probably more common than diving on grenades.

I did not know that. :duff

Makes Tony's comment about cutting it when the whole reason you lay on it is because you don't have *time* to cut it even dumber. So good, it went from a poorly written Cap line to a poorly written IM line. Stupid Tony. :D


:rock :rock :rock

But it's a tough one because I've grown to love Cap too. It's a coin toss now between him and Stark as my fave Avenger
cap has always been my favourite and the winter soldier just made me love him even more, hoping in Age of ultron he is the true leader of avengers which I think whedon basically did that bit where cap gives the orders for, and he better be as tough and his fighting skills same as cap 2
cap has always been my favourite and the winter soldier just made me love him even more, hoping in Age of ultron he is the true leader of avengers which I think whedon basically did that bit where cap gives the orders for, and he better be as tough and his fighting skills same as cap 2

A few people I talked to after seeing the Avengers said Cap came across as ''bossy'' and ''controlling'', I don't see that to be honest
Bossy and controlling?
Just let them join the army, and see if there's anyone bossy and controlling there, lol.

Exactly, he was trying to do the right thing and direct the team! He was the leader the Avengers deserved but not the one Marvel needs right now (all RDJ/Iron man).
Bossy and controlling?
Just let them join the army, and see if there's anyone bossy and controlling there, lol.
He was trying to do the right thing and direct the team! He was the leader the Avengers deserved but not the one Marvel needs right now (all RDJ/Iron man).

:exactly: People nowadays find anyone telling them what to do to be bossy.... sigh :ohbfrank:
A little old fashion is definitely what we need today.
One part of the Avengers I didn't care for is his square off with Loki.

Cap is the pinnacle of human conditioning and then some... he throws his shield, runs and punches Loki, takes two hits (yes from an Asgardian) and is out of breath.

Didn't sit right with me.
One part of the Avengers I didn't care for is his square off with Loki.

Cap is the pinnacle of human conditioning and then some... he throws his shield, runs and punches Loki, takes two hits (yes from an Asgardian) and is out of breath.

Didn't sit right with me.

Tell me this: How did cap get out of the Quinjet?

:exactly: People nowadays find anyone telling them what to do to be bossy.... sigh :ohbfrank:
A little old fashion is definitely what we need today.

We follow orders, or people die, its that simple.

Bossy and controlling?
Just let them join the army, and see if there's anyone bossy and controlling there, lol.

+1 It's called leadership. Just watch the scene in the Avengers where Cap directs the NYPD. NYPD Cop: "Why the hell should I take orders from you?" Cap whips some serious Chitauri butt and that cop quickly repeats his orders over his radio.

And as for Stark's comment about everything special about Cap coming out of a bottle = wrong. Stark was jabbing Cap out of insecurity. Without his armor he is a flawed and vulnerable human being. Precisely why he suffered so badly from PTSD in IM3.

As for the bottle comment...Dr. Erskine said it best. The serum only amplifies the raw material that is already there. Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. Cap was chosen because of those raw materials. The serum was the mechanism to allow those traits to flourish. Cap was Cap even as a scrawny Steve Rogers. Just like Stark is still an arrogant drunk @$$ in and out of fhe suit.

Stark isnt special at all. He is just rich and smart, and a prick about. Thats why he isnt a soldier. He couldnt handle the serum. He would turn into a super powered version of Ke$ha...or worse, Justin Beiber. :drink

And for the record, Im not IM bashing. I love IM. I just dont care for Stark's attitude. I still love his character though. Prick as he may be he is still great, and RDJ is perfect portraying him.