Super Freak
+1 It's called leadership. Just watch the scene in the Avengers where Cap directs the NYPD. NYPD Cop: "Why the hell should I take orders from you?" Cap whips some serious Chitauri butt and that cop quickly repeats his orders over his radio.
And as for Stark's comment about everything special about Cap coming out of a bottle = wrong. Stark was jabbing Cap out of insecurity. Without his armor he is a flawed and vulnerable human being. Precisely why he suffered so badly from PTSD in IM3.
As for the bottle comment...Dr. Erskine said it best. The serum only amplifies the raw material that is already there. Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. Cap was chosen because of those raw materials. The serum was the mechanism to allow those traits to flourish. Cap was Cap even as a scrawny Steve Rogers. Just like Stark is still an arrogant drunk @$$ in and out of fhe suit.
Stark isnt special at all. He is just rich and smart, and a prick about. Thats why he isnt a soldier. He couldnt handle the serum. He would turn into a super powered version of Ke$ha...or worse, Justin Beiber.
And for the record, Im not IM bashing. I love IM. I just dont care for Stark's attitude. I still love his character though. Prick as he may be he is still great, and RDJ is perfect portraying him.
WOW I dont hate RDJ or his Iron Man character but I sort of agree with you, although now He's ''a changed man''