In the words of Pearl in the first Blade movie: "He's here he's here!"
100% worth the wait, excellent likeness on his face, makeup, clothing, everything. I don't know if I was just really lucky but the pants on mine dont ride up at all. Definitely not nearly as much as some of the pics I've seen. Pers works brilliantly just ease it in slow movements starting small and progressing to wider movements. It will loosen up to a nice ease of movement while still being tight. The eyes themselves are amazing even though I almost needed to shine a torch into them to see the amount of detail, even the tiny veins painted in there! Just amazing. One thing I wasnt aware of is that his little pack of joker cards all have different faces, I thought someone had said they were all the "Heres my card" version. Maybe it was just me but just a heads up for anyone who else who didnt check them. The lights on the base are also excellent, they give him a real 'up to no good' look
Oh one other thing, be careful while putting the grenades in his jacket as they do seem to have specific places where they belong or else some of the strings will be tight while others hang loose. Kinda ruins the effect I thought. Just position the hands first and place the ring on his finger, then put the grenades in position so you can see which one goes where. Dunno if thats any help to anyone its probably all been said but thats my 2 cents anyways
I havent been brave enough to remove the hands to try out the other poses yet, is it difficult? should I use the hairdryer method?
All that being said, I got the rubber skin T-600 yesterday, and while Mr. J has a better sculpt and is obviously more iconic and much cooler, its hard to say which actually looks better. Or more interesting should I say? Theres just so much going on with the Terminator, so many different details...but the Joker just has that high end expensive but worth it thing going on

I dunno I just love both figs. Roll on John Connor next week!!
I hope to post pics (First time ever!!) tomorrow or Friday