Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Just got mine! :banana

The whole thing is just amazing.

Sculpt, Paint, Tailoring, EVERYTHING. :google

But my box was smashed on one corner. :monkey2
i sent that to hot toys along with:
More!!!! More jokers, more batmen, more bad guys, more good guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More cops, more goons, more random people standing on the street. I'll buy em any way and reanact the whole flipping movie!!!!!!!!!!!! Give us more hot toys give us more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think they'll listen?

Yeah, probably not. :lol
OH MAN I went to a big LCS today in my town and saw the DCD TDK Batman and man it was fugly... am I GLAD I just started this hobby
OH MAN I went to a big LCS today in my town and saw the DCD TDK Batman and man it was fugly... am I GLAD I just started this hobby

You know what the worst part is, when you've found out you've spent well over 1200 for these. Granted they are a joy to display and admire but ugh it bites in when you check the history bills. :horror

....and! it still never seems to stop. I started the same time as you.
You know what the worst part is, when you've found out you've spent well over 1200 for these. Granted they are a joy to display and admire but ugh it bites in when you check the history bills. :horror

....and! it still never seems to stop. I started the same time as you.

Oh Shut up and dun stir things up :horror haha
Shiet I can't think back like that........ I know that I am worse than you by now ...... cant think back ..... need my fix......
At least no more jokers except for a BillyB shirt and tie coming soon and thats the last thing for Joker.. I promise
The first TDK Bats really isn't that bad. Does the DX top it? Duh.

Nono I was not referring to HT, I love HT TDK :) But I am talking about this DCD

Considering the nitpicking on all the details of the HT TDK Batman and the DX02 when I saw this one I almost dropped the box
Now if only HT could get the body right on the DX, I mean DCD got it right. :D

Hands down the most accurate TDK Batman I've ever seen. While keeping my eyes closed.

You guys crack me up...... I am amongst fellow freaks and I love it..... did I mention when I am not able to use Geil as my login I pick something with a "freak" in it and that was before I even knew about this forum :naughty
You guys crack me up...... I am amongst fellow freaks and I love it..... did I mention when I am not able to use Geil as my login I pick something with a "freak" in it and that was before I even knew about this forum :naughty

yeah we are all like a big family in some weird way ha.
anybody know how many DX jokers are being made? They are just all over ebay, i was going to get one from BBTS, but I know I can at least save $20 on one right now, I'm going to need one to go with my Imaresqd1 head :D
BTW someone mentioned they have and prefer the DCD Joker coat and I saw that today as well and that was another shock. That coat may have an orange lining but the actual material of the coat doesn't even come close to what it is suppose to be and no weathering whatsoever.....

azurepred How did you get that head!!!!!!!!
It's a shame these never come with a certificate like the Batman Begins figure (v1 Batman Original suit) to tell you 04 out of 2248 pieces.

Why did they do that with one figure for a certificate? but no number.

BTW someone mentioned they have and prefer the DCD Joker coat and I saw that today as well and that was another shock. That coat may have an orange lining but the actual material of the coat doesn't even come close to what it is suppose to be and no weathering whatsoever.....

It's not a bad coat when futzed properly. It sits really nice. It's coarser than the DX but softer than the HTv1. Plus the tail is shorter. Definitely not recommended on a truetype. Looks like Daddies bathrobe.
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