Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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:lol @ CelticP

Looks like they're back in stock now if anyone wants one...

Monkey Depot DX Joker Parts

...but like pjam said, act fast! The coat is the most necessary upgrade for those of us who are too cheap/poor for the whole DX experience!

Dang If I knew they had DX01 parts for this cheap I wold have just bought more parts and not bothered with a second DX and then parting it out.....
...but like pjam said, act fast! The coat is the most necessary upgrade for those of us who are too cheap/poor for the whole DX experience!

And they've raised the coat $5 since the other day when they first put 'em up. Really anxious for my parts to come in so I can have a good Joker.
And they've raised the coat $5 since the other day when they first put 'em up.

:horror Get out.

I'd have flipped if I saw it priced at $15. Honestly, I was surprised when I saw it tonight at $20! I was expecting to pay at least $25-30 given the popularity of the character.
I was pretty shocked at $15 although $20 is still a deal, especially including all the grenades, etc. I wasn't planing on displaying him in that pose but for that price I picked up the extra wide open hand set too. I think their prices on this piece are pretty fair all around.
Damn these prices are so tempting I almost want to make another Joker as I just need pants and vest :p
Oh shiet I need another head :( hmm repaint cop head and add hair??
I just bought this figure and I have a few questions for those who have him too.
Which body type should I get to display the Cop uniform?
It should be a Hot Toys body,right?
What site should I use, or do you recommend?
Does anyone else have a problem getting the eyes to move?
Any suggestions would help!
LOL....I ordered from them....hehe.

Well, my mother did, for Christmas. Dunno if she had any problems though,.
I just bought this figure and I have a few questions for those who have him too.
Which body type should I get to display the Cop uniform?
It should be a Hot Toys body,right?
What site should I use, or do you recommend?
Does anyone else have a problem getting the eyes to move?
Any suggestions would help!

The consensus seems to be either the Hot Toys TT narrow for the cop, and normal for the Joker, or reversed depending on your preference. I ordered a narrow for the cop because some folks said the regular TT body is a tight fit with the cop clothes.
Hopefully your box will be in good condition, as all they do is wrap them in paper for shipping.

Yeah thanks for that! :google :lol

Nah i know what you mean i've used them loads and had boxes ruined and if it is it'll be going straight back i want to display the box with joker next to it so it better be perfect.
I've just seen someone selling this and it comes in a brown shipping box doesn't it? if so i'm not bothered if that's a bit bashed so long as the main box is fine.
Guys I think that my Joker might be possessed.
He's trying to kill all my other toys!!! :O HELP!!!!



Guys I think that my Joker might be possessed.
He's trying to kill all my other toys!!! :O HELP!!!!

These are as funny as heck!!!!!!!!!!! I love Gollum eyes!! Buzz to infinity and beyond!!! LOL!!!!!

I got my joker Monday he needs a iron wrinkled like crazy!!!