Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Nono I was not referring to HT, I love HT TDK :) But I am talking about this DCD

Considering the nitpicking on all the details of the HT TDK Batman and the DX02 when I saw this one I almost dropped the box

My mistake, Geil! :duff
The DCD TDK is a pile and a half! :lol Although I think their Joker head edges out the HT v1 Joker head just slightly.
Nolan's film titles aren't just generic names, they're relative to the story. Batman Begins was the origin story, The Dark Knight was establishing that Batman is the Dark Knight of Gotham, more than just an average hero. I could see the next one being something like Batman Redemption or something like that, as hopefully the next film will clean up his public image that TDK left off ruining.

then according to you it should be called "The Movie where Batman starts Off as a bad guy but then ends being a good guy and then some stuff goes BOOM!!! bruce falls in love alfred becomes the penguin lucius fox builds stuff the mob gets money people return from the dead and there's riddles" I can see the headlines now.....
Hey everyone, hoping for a little advice from fellow freaks. I pre-ordered my DX Joker from goodshipped and ended up waiting so long after it was apparently released i ordered another from assaultrabbit, as theirs was in stock, with the intention of cancelling my order with goodshipped. Of course naturally as i ordered this goodshipped dispatched theirs to me. So i now have two on the way.

What i was wondering is, do you reckon it'd be better selling one as a whole, boxed figure or selling it off in parts? Im not fussed about making a profit, i just wanna try n get back what i spent so im not out of pocket. If any of you guys have any advice i'd be very grateful.
I'm glad they don't put out edition sizes. I don't care how limited a figure is or isn't beyond my ability to get it. I like that with HT not publishing sizes, it leaves room for extra productions runs or higher numbers and easy access. If they came out and said we're only making 5000 DX Jokers, sales would probably be nuts because of people trying to snatch them up for sales when no one can get them later, by not announcing that ever, it takes that leverage away and reduces such practice. Lack of published edition sizes certainly doesn't hurt aftermarket sales, any successful HT figure seems to at least double in price on the secondary market once it's been sold out in retail for some time.
BTW someone mentioned they have and prefer the DCD Joker coat and I saw that today as well and that was another shock. That coat may have an orange lining but the actual material of the coat doesn't even come close to what it is suppose to be and no weathering whatsoever.....

azurepred How did you get that head!!!!!!!!

What? Where did you hear this? Any comp pics?
The coat on DX Joker really is the big difference. If they'd just packed in that coat alone and we swapped it onto our v1-BR bashes, that figure would look just as good, the proper tailoring and color of the new coat really completes selling a figure as Heath Ledger's Joker.

Which is exactly what I've done...or at least will do once it arrives...I just picked up the coat, grenades, and the corresponding hands at Monkey Depot. As much as I appreciate the revised shirt, tie, vest, etc., the overcoat was the only thing that really bothered me about my v.1/BR bash.

Don't get me wrong, I'm super jealous of those of you with the $$$ for the whole DX shebang, but I think I'll feel a little better once my new coat arrives.
Which is exactly what I've done...or at least will do once it arrives...I just picked up the coat, grenades, and the corresponding hands at Monkey Depot. As much as I appreciate the revised shirt, tie, vest, etc., the overcoat was the only thing that really bothered me about my v.1/BR bash.

Don't get me wrong, I'm super jealous of those of you with the $$$ for the whole DX shebang, but I think I'll feel a little better once my new coat arrives.

Smart move. That's exactly what Wor-Gar did. The DX Coats sold out at Monkey Depot in about an hour or so. Seems like others had the same idea. Great upgrade!
Weird, the Guys who just got their DCDs aren't singing that tune. Hmm...

I assume you know I am talking about DC Direct figs that came out some time ago?
The DCD TDK Batman pic is just few posts up

Maybe I am not presenting it correctly? I am a noob afterall :p But Assume DCD=DC Direct but I think the confusion may be that DCD now OEM and resell the much superior HT products recently?
There's too much confusion between DCD produced figure and DCD shipped Hot Toys figure. Sometimes abbreviation isn't helpful :lol
There's too much confusion between DCD produced figure and DCD shipped Hot Toys figure. Sometimes abbreviation isn't helpful :lol

Oh, ok got ya. Geez... I was thinking DC shipment of DXs, which I got. Thanks for clearing that up, Guys.