Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Guys, don't get your hopes up about that stand, the more I think of that image, it's totally and April Fool's joke, no way HT would put out an image of that poor quality with that sloppy looking text.

We haven't seen the stand yet, so keep checking here for official images of it in the future.

Heres hoping that they:

a) Look amazing and really illuminate the figure
b) If so mass produce them and sell them seperately for like $9.99 a piece.
Heres hoping that they:

a) Look amazing and really illuminate the figure
b) If so mass produce them and sell them seperately for like $9.99 a piece.

I can't fathom how they could make a relatively normal size base with enough light to illuminate the figure. I'm thinking maybe something artsy that uses light to enhance it. Be very curious to what end the LED's are being used for.
I can't fathom how they could make a relatively normal size base with enough light to illuminate the figure. I'm thinking maybe something artsy that uses light to enhance it. Be very curious to what end the LED's are being used for.

Yeah, that base was clearly a joke.

From the window shot it kind of looks like he's on a special base... can't tell if it lights up, but that would be my guess is its a bit of a diorama.
Yeah, that base was clearly a joke.

From the window shot it kind of looks like he's on a special base... can't tell if it lights up, but that would be my guess is its a bit of a diorama.

Well, I'm curious if that's the base or a stand in one. I'm thinking stand in because if the base were ready, why wouldn't there have been photos of it with yesterday's announcement?

The base in the window display looks like one of those metal floors with the arrow pattern in it, if you know what I mean, maybe borrowed from or a tossed out concept base for the Terminator line.

Can someone repost the pic of the supposed base. April Fool's joke or not, I'd like to see it.

All it is is a standard HT Joker TDK base with some photoshop effects to make it seem like there's a glow coming from within the base of the stand. Really not a big deal to not see it.
Why would it be an april fool's joke if it was listed in the official specs for the figure? And design-wise, it'd be an ultra lame april fool's joke. HT: "har har we totally had them with our fake display stand, because we know everyone cares about plastic display stands".

I doubt it was an April Fool's joke -- though it could still be a lame photoshop. If it is legit, that is a lousy picture.

Well, I'm curious if that's the base or a stand in one. I'm thinking stand in because if the base were ready, why wouldn't there have been photos of it with yesterday's announcement?

The base in the window display looks like one of those metal floors with the arrow pattern in it, if you know what I mean, maybe borrowed from or a tossed out concept base for the Terminator line.

True, it could very well be a stand in. Maybe it will be a giant burning pile of money with little LED lights in the flames :devil
Can someone repost the pic of the supposed base. April Fool's joke or not, I'd like to see it.

Why would it be an april fool's joke if it was listed in the official specs for the figure? And design-wise, it'd be an ultra lame april fool's joke. HT: "har har we totally had them with our fake display stand, because we know everyone cares about plastic display stands".

Why, because people running these sites know everone wants to see what this LED stand is like and what better way to ^^^^ with people than to make a fake image.

All the photo shows is a standard HT TDK stand with a very cheesy glow effect, cheeply added lettering. Nothing about the image looks like legitimate HT publicity material.
True, it could very well be a stand in. Maybe it will be a giant burning pile of money with little LED lights in the flames :devil

That would be cool, even if not full size, big enough to be impressive that'd be cool, and, if they did that and made it look right, I'd be dying for a ROTJ Darth Vader funeral display for Sideshow's Star Wars line.
Definitely fake, where are the supposed LEDs in that pic? Just a few hidden behind the nameplate?! :D

The Tom Cruise TT is the latest release.
I can't fathom how they could make a relatively normal size base with enough light to illuminate the figure. I'm thinking maybe something artsy that uses light to enhance it. Be very curious to what end the LED's are being used for.

It may be a completely different design, something wider maybe, something unique to this new line maybe? My God though, you show us everything else, why not this too? :lol
Just preordered mine from abc-express. I wasn't supposed to get any TDK figures but this guy is just too good to pass on him.