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Any one else think the coat still looks too dark from the promo pics?


what are the main improvements in this outfit to V1? i see the shoes are more accurate. but outside of that, i don't see how this outfit is much better than V1.
oh yeah the Coat def looks too dark, this guys tempting but i don't feel it really improved upon what a lot people already have (if they got the V1 and BR head)

don't get me wrong this fig is AWESOME but so is it's Predecessor!!
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what are the main improvements in this outfit to V1? i see the shoes are more accurate. but outside of that, i don't see how this outfit is much better than V1.

I don't have a V1 -- but my understanding is that this version has suspenders (of questionable accuracy), different material for the coat, the top button of the shirt works, the tie is better material, the coat is weathered, and the chain is longer.

Hasn't it been confirmed that the fabric swatches that were sent out are the exact same color as the version 1 coat?

Ya, but A) the swatch isn't necessarily from the fabric the new figure coat is made of, and B) there are reports and photos seem to support variations to the coat that shipped in v1, some pretty nicely purple toned and others almost black. So is the swatch a match the blacker or the more purple?

In the end, the coat on this figure should be unquestionably purple, even if it's like a dark grape, at least be unquestionably purple and not purplish black.
I don't have a V1 -- but my understanding is that this version has suspenders (of questionable accuracy), different material for the coat, the top button of the shirt works, the tie is better material, the coat is weathered, and the chain is longer.


Well the suspenders are unquestionably innaccurrate. As far as the tie, I'm not holding my breath. The proto tie on v1 looked like cloth and we all know how that worked out.
Well the suspenders are unquestionably innaccurrate. As far as the tie, I'm not holding my breath. The proto tie on v1 looked like cloth and we all know how that worked out.

The figures haven't been produced yet -- so its hard to say they are "unquestionably inaccurate". All we've seen is a small sample in a prototype picture. Perhaps troubleshooting the suspenders is low on the list of tweaks ... then again, perhaps what you see is what you get.

As for the tie -- it certainly looks like fabric ...

<img src="">

But, I don't have a V1 to compare it to.
