Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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I now have a small army of Jokers.


DX Joker: Jokers what is your profession?!
The Jokers: Hit Me Hit Me Hit Me!

I love it. :lol
That's nice Maglor, but the Badge is meant to go behind the black strip, the black, I could be wrong, is meant to be a sign of respect for the dead. You see sports teams and other groups wear similar things on their uniforms when someone in the group has passed.

I'll be darned! Your right!!!:pow


The only problem is, that the black strip/ribbon provided is:

1) to wide (top to bottom) and it covers a lot of the badge. Much more than could be called screen accurate. Not that I'm a huge stickler for that, but it is really to wide to be ascetically pleasing IMO.

2) far to tight to slide down to go over the actual metal part of the badge (at least mine is) as shown in the pic above. (And yes, I did check the Joker's badge... his is the same, but the part where you see it is to blurry/fast moving to get a good screen cap.)

So now I have to find something I can use to create a accurate/ nice looking black ribbon to cinch around the badge...

By the way, I have really been enjoying all the pics on this thread (I'm looking at you Maulfan.)
Thanks for the compliment, and my guess is they probably figured it'd hold more securely around the square part, not accurrate, but it works.
I'll let you know if I ever come up with a ribbon that works for me...

In the meantime, here are some of my pics:



I think the pose above will be the definitive one for me.

I think the portrait of Heath is primarily based on this shot:


Other than a hint from his shoulders, you can't see what is going on with his lower body in this picture but it is happening immediately after he shoots Gordan and immediately before he drops the rifle and runs. So that's what I was going for.

Plus I like to take advantage of tilting ankles and get a nice deep stance like this when I can.

And the TT holds it great!

That reminds me: I love the way the suit fits on the Narrow Shoulder TT, he just really looks sharp! At least for the Cop version, I wouldn't want anything else!

P.S. One liberty that I took (in addition to not using the ribbon as directed) is that I have his left hand under the rifle strap. Not screen accurate, but I think it looks cleaner this way. Trying to fit the barrel and strap into his hand looks a bit forced to me and draws attention to the fact that it is 1/6 scale.
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I don't see anything about the face but i did look again, and it is hilarious that the DX is unaware that his gun is pointed at the Polices head
Any one else have trouble with the PERS? I just got my figure and the piece that moves the eyes just straight up fell out like immediately. Everytime I open the back of his head I have to like adjust it by holding it all together. the black circular part has like 3 small little points in it that I guess are supposed to go into these 3 small ass little holes on the back of the PERS.

I love the figure, but I had alot of issues straight off the bat.
That eye thing, the plaque on the stand straight up fell off, and one of the arm pegs is completely stuck to a hand(not really a problem, but still...good thing theres extras)
Any one else have trouble with the PERS? I just got my figure and the piece that moves the eyes just straight up fell out like immediately. Everytime I open the back of his head I have to like adjust it by holding it all together. the black circular part has like 3 small little points in it that I guess are supposed to go into these 3 small ass little holes on the back of the PERS.

I love the figure, but I had alot of issues straight off the bat.
That eye thing, the plaque on the stand straight up fell off, and one of the arm pegs is completely stuck to a hand(not really a problem, but still...good thing theres extras)

Ok, so I can't help you with the PERS, but I can say that my plaque was off when I took the stand out of the box. Also, one of the pegs is stuck in one of my hands as well; the open left hand.

But, BUT. The plaque is easy to put back on, and as you said there are extra pegs.

Regarding the head, you should contact Hot Toys immediately for a replacement.
i just ordered one of these bad boys on ebay. it should be here within a week or so! until then, ill continue to drool over everyone's pics haha. i cant wait!
i just ordered one of these bad boys on ebay. it should be here within a week or so! until then, ill continue to drool over everyone's pics haha. i cant wait!

I've purchased my Joker 3 weeks ago. Tracking doesn't work, it just say that it has taken the way to it's target. I'm so bored to look over other pictures, I want my own figure NOOOOW :monkey2