Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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It's clear.. but again, in the pics you just posted the coat is clearly purple and the gloves are also, clearly purple. Just considerably darker than your repainted gloves. Fact remains, on-screen the gloves aren't as bright as your repainted gloves. You can post pics for days but they'll never match.

If that's your personal preference, like I said that's cool. But it's not screen accurate. And that was my original point.

Keep in mind that all movies go into post-production and get modified just like pictures going into magazines. I would like to believe the color in the movie is actually the color in those displays just manipulated as Devil says noone is right or wrong really just your preference

more.... its not...just do some tricks...

haha those pics are awesome! You must have had a hard time puffing those cigs first before posing joker with it :D Was Joker a smoker?

this figure continues to amaze me...its a shame that they horribly screwed up the DX Batmen
I've put it down to limited quantities. Everyone who has it in hand has been blown away but not been able to photograph it as well.
i know still, if they had batman in a nurse outfit i would so buy it! but the suit is too simiar to V1
I know what your saying but it could of equally said of this figure. The V1 Joker is a very similar figure but it correct a hell of a lot of inaccuracies much like the DX Batman. Joker had a head start out of the gate in being two figures in one however if you take the head and accessories from the DX Batman and put it on the V1 you have too figures. Not completely different but still, enough for a purchase in my eyes.
I know the DX Batman is having some quality control issues right now, but hopefully by the time it gets here to the US that will be fixed.

From the pics I have seen, I don't know how anyone could anticipate it being anything but awesome!

Joker may be a little photogenic, but one guy in the DX Batman thread said that, in hand, the DX02 was superior to the DX01.

Anyhow, back on topic, I love the smoking Joker pic series!!!
Got my second DX01 stand today:


This is not my final setup (in fact it is not even a temporary set up... I just threw them up there to snap the pic.) I temporarily have the clown Joker on this shelf, but I think this will be DX Batman's ultimate home.

Also, I just won this on ebay:

$.88 plus shipping.:D ($9.30)

Got it for the badge, but now I'll be able to do a "double gun" pose with the Joker.:gun:gun

...or double knife for that matter.

...and I can stick more of those pins all over the place!:wacky
Venom those pics are beyond cool man, amazing, very nicely done :D
About the glove colors, i've never believed that display suit is 100percent film used, there are just things on there that plainly aren't correct. And others that, on film, look remarkably different from post film editing and retouching etc, so what may look display correct, isn't film correct, however, it's good to see people getting in there and doing some mods and mixing it up a bit, i think it looks pretty good, although the standard glove colors dont bother me, they can look way too dark at the best of times!
Another thing is scale effect. Say, if on film, a purple is dark that shines bright in the light, what color does 1 pick to represent that in a 1:6th scale. Where a purple the identical color doesnt get the size or chance to shine to a different tinge, the identical color can be way too dark on something so small, then there's the dilemma what do you pick on that same shiny colorscale, the brightest shiny color, the darkest color or in between, to represent what it actually looked like for the majority but in smaller form?!
Confusing :p
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Got my second DX01 stand today:


This is not my final setup (in fact it is not even a temporary set up... I just threw them up there to snap the pic.) I temporarily have the clown Joker on this shelf, but I think this will be DX Batman's ultimate home.

Also, I just won this on ebay:

$.88 plus shipping.:D ($9.30)

Got it for the badge, but now I'll be able to do a "double gun" pose with the Joker.:gun:gun

...or double knife for that matter.

...and I can stick more of those pins all over the place!:wacky

coll man .. nice pictures .. love you shelve