Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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I can't imagine it being a mold issue, his hair's soft rubber or the hard stuff the head's cast in. My idea is just do it like they've done and just fill in some between the strands and his hair to bulk it out a bit more.

I'm sorry dude, I just can't comprehend how you can think that looks better than the Narrow shoulder figure that Hot Toys chose to go with this figure.

His shoulders look ridiculously bulky in your picture (and others you have shown before). Heath ledger did have broad shoulders, but that is referring to his natural bone structure. The Standard TT looks like TO MUCH MUSCLE!!! Heath did not do gymnastics for 6 hours a day!!!!!:banghead

It's nice that you got to use your standard TT that you had laying around, but I truly think you should swap the bodies as (from the pics I have seen) the standard can be squeezed into the clown suit and still look natural.

Not trying to be a jerk,... I'm just sayin' :monkey3

I'm going to post a pic of mine one more time so that people can see in one post how much more natural the Cop Joker looks on a narrow shoulder TT.




Bottom line is that it is a matter of personal taste. However, in terms of accuracy I think it is clear which TT is closest to the actor.

If you are trying to reproduce "fan fic" where, in your private world, Heath Ledger is a "beefcake" then by all means use the Standard TT.

...O.K. I think I got that out of my system...

I will be quiet now.:cool:

I agree with you tt narrow shoulders is best .. !!!
This isn't really on topic, but since you asked...:angelsmil


My Homage to Batman Returns


My favorite statue/bust:


Other Batman stuff I currently have on display in that room...




wao .. thanks man .. I love the joker from alex ross..

thanks agian .. !!!
Very nice markmg!

Love seeing them together and I look forward to the day they share shelf-space in my display!

Great to see someone pose him with a bazooka too!!!!

Can you set him up as if he is shooting it out of the semi trailer?
I still can't get over how detailed this figure is!! I'll be odering my DX Batman next month!!



Superb likeness!! I've still to place the grenades in the coat. Once I have free time I'll give it a go!! :naughty


Sick set up mark, though I think when I get my DX Batman I will buy a lforigno cape and display him with it.

Also, I think I will get a bazooka or whatever that thing is. (I cant differentiate a bazooka from an RPG).
I've never owned a HT Batman before... what about their capes are troublesome? It seems a lot of people swap them out for another.
I think I will get a bazooka or whatever that thing is. (I cant differentiate a bazooka from an RPG).

IMO they're essentially the same thing.

The Soviets developed the basic design of this RPG, in the form of the RPG-2, during World War II, combining important design features of the US Bazooka and the German Panzerfaust.

So unless you're a weapons nerd, the differences are inconsequential to which name you choose to use in a discussion. If you say Bazooka and someone says "No. That's a RPG" or vice-versa you can tell them I said "STFU".
