Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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I've never had a figure break from a shelf dive, so I still don't use stands.

This was just me fumbling with the figure and dropping it for no good reason. :(

If anyone has a TT they are willing to sell (preferably Narrow Shoulder, but I would be willing to experiment with Standard) PM me. I don't need wrist or ankle pegs.

[Sorry if it's a big taboo to mention buying or selling anywhere other than the buy/sell forums... just thought that since it came up here I'd get a little sympathy!]
Re: Oh, the HORROR!!!

I just did something terrible!!!

I have my Joker nekkid (and headless) right now because I just ironed his shirt.

But then the unthinkable happened... I dropped the figure on a vinyl floor... and it broke!!!!!!!!:horror:horror:horror:horror


Here are picks of the broken hip.



I don't know what to do.

I tried crazy gluing it back in place and it didn't hold. Now that I look at the function of the hip, I don't know if gluing would work anyway.

I will probably have to buy another body. :mad:

Does this thing come on a Narrow Shoulder TT?

Grrrr, this is the first Hot Toys figure I ever bought.:banghead

Thank God I always get spares, how could you have been so careless?
I've never had a figure break from a shelf dive, so I still don't use stands.

Sorry to hear about the break Maglor...

Got to agree with Maul on this one - the stands may not allow for the most dynamic poses, but the piece of mind makes up for it. Ironically, the only figure in my detolf not using a stand is my Joker DX. :horror :rolleyes: But that's only because the usually weak ankle joints in the TT's seem a bit stronger with may have scared me back to the stand though...;)
Hey Maglor, at least replacing the entire figure is only $30
I use stands as much as I can these days. Had figures falling over too many times. My Medi Batman is the worse always tipping over to the front and the nose has a bit of paint chipped away :( damage to the sculpt will be more $$


Hit ME
Out of curiousity, what about the DX shirt do you feel is more accurrate?

Just color and the pattern design i think. Billy's is awesome but a little on the too bright side. I had both on my primary joker with the custom head and the billyb never bothered me, but once i switched to the dx, it just looks more correct. I did however, also change the pants to DX, i dunno, they dont bother me too much, and sometimes in the movie they look tight, might change them back though, with the coat you barely see them anyway, and the pinstripes are the tiniest bit too prominent. Something about the DX pants is just quality but
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Two different subjects.

1. Maglor, sorry about the broken hip, I know what it's like to have parts on a figure break all too well :(

2. Nice pic Geil!
Sorry to hear about the break Maglor...

Got to agree with Maul on this one - the stands may not allow for the most dynamic poses, but the piece of mind makes up for it. Ironically, the only figure in my detolf not using a stand is my Joker DX. :horror :rolleyes: But that's only because the usually weak ankle joints in the TT's seem a bit stronger with may have scared me back to the stand though...;)

Just wanted to make sure this was clear.

In over 10 years of collecting 1/6 scale figures I have never had a figure break, and I almost never use stands. Yes they have fallen off the shelf a couple times, but never with any ill effects.

This break on the Joker was simply carelessness. I was plugging in the hairdryer in the kitchen to heat up figure parts and the body slipped our of my hand onto a hard floor without clothes to protect it.

To me the lesson is not to start using stands, as the absence of a stand had nothing to do with this freak accident.

The lesson is to be less careless when doctoring your figures.:)
Just one more thought about stands.

Although a big issue is the limits on posing a bigger issue with using a stand is that it's distracting.

It kind of detracts from selling the figure as "real".

No real person has a big black arm coming up from the ground and following them around.:D

(I do use them out of necessity occasionally btw.)
Just one more thought about stands.

Although a big issue is the limits on posing a bigger issue with using a stand is that it's distracting.

It kind of detracts from selling the figure as "real".

No real person has a big black arm coming up from the ground and following them around.:D

(I do use them out of necessity occasionally btw.)

I hear you - and agree, the stands can take some of the illusion of reality away. I have a single figure, acrylic display case on my desk in my studio and I don't use a stand in it, a: because it's enclosed and doesn't put the figure at risk, and b: because you lose some of the drama of the pose with stands. But with my detolf being 3-4 figures a shelf, I can't risk a dominoeffect, cascade of figures so I use the stands. It's all about protecting the investment at that point.
Makes sense.

Regarding the pants: I personaly like the DX pants better. I think the "skinny jeans" look better. Makes him have a little of that punk vibe, which I think they were going for in the movie!
switched mine to V1 pants as well.. Think I prefer it too actually, didn't think I would, but it just looks a bit more real to me.

I think the wrinkling and folding helps, the thing I found I disliked on the fit of the DX pants was how tight it was, especially the thighs, little excess to wrinkle, and Joker wore pants loose enough to wrinkle a bit, he wasn't in skin tights, and also, the legs being shorter on the DX, with the v1 Pants, they bunch up a bit at the feet and Like that look too, adds to how even thought Joker's sort of wearing a classy outfit, he's still crazy.
I dunno, my DX pants wrinkle very nicely. There is even some very realistic creasing at the groin area.

I don't have the v1 pants, but from what I've seen, not only are they more baggy, but the material looks thicker, whereas the DX pants are made of a thinner material that really sells the scale of the wrinkles.


I used a tweezers to pull the pants down around the shoes here (I like it just like that, but one might be able to coax a little more length out of them):

I know what you mean about the length of the pants, it is nice to have a "break" in them (I think that's what that's called.)
Hey guys,
I'm back with an amazing thing tonight :D

Here is my new masterpiece ^^


Oh no!!
a custom head in the hands of a mad photographer! That can't be good for my productivity at work and I already lost half a day yesterday keeping up with the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPAD :rotfl