Super Freak
thank man. After I was done I did wet the hair to see how I am going to style it tomorrow and it looks great with it styled. It also gives the hair a little darker green look in some spots which makes it look more accurate.
hair is all on, I still have to fix the hair a little bit and then style it, but it is basically done. I think this is going to look alot better on a pers head
well it is finished. Not bad for my first time ever adding hair to a head. Now I know how I can improve for next time. Anyways let me know what you guys think.
hair is all on, I still have to fix the hair a little bit and then style it, but it is basically done. I think this is going to look alot better on a pers head
i searched for a old thread to post in I did not start a new one. I thought I did the right thing. You know the rest of the forum is no where near as picky or cracky as the DC Comics Thread I don't know why. I only seem to get grief here for some reason. And I have tried to be nothing but helpful I thought. But no matter what I type I get a negative reaction from people.
i searched for a old thread to post in I did not start a new one. I thought I did the right thing. You know the rest of the forum is no where near as picky or cracky as the DC Comics Thread I don't know why. I only seem to get grief here for some reason. And I have tried to be nothing but helpful I thought. But no matter what I type I get a negative reaction from people.
You know the rest of the forum is no where near as picky or cracky as the DC Comics Thread I don't know why.