Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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I ordered from BBTS two days ago. But, I also just ordered a BR Joker from them to ship in May -- so there is an intermediate goal to look toward.

Well it should, because it's modeled after those stands. Right down to the lights.



Okay that makes some sense. I revert my negative impression of the design somewhat.
looks like there will still be a stand for the legs

That is a relief. Even if these figures don't always need the stand I use it anyway. Can never be too safe.

As for the stand itself I can't say I'm a big fan because it doesn't really fit the Joker too well but I guess it kind of captures the atmosphere of the mob room. I think an Iron Man figure would look better on this stand. I hope that this metal grating isn't a standard for all DX figures, because most characters will look really out of place with it.

I also hope that they give us a stand for the cop Joker.

EDIT: Ok, now I see why they used the stand but I still would have preferred something from the movie.
Well now the design of the stand makes sense... kind of cool.

My only dissapointment with the set at this point is that the Cop Joker only comes with 2 hands. Having a couple extra would have been nice, especially as he is the new figure.
While I don't feel like the stand is totally out of nowhere, I still don't think it's the best design, but at least it has some official tie to TDK, just not the movie.

However, if they can get the display base just like those display images, why's the coat not the right purple :confused.
Yea they could have done better with the stand, but it's better than just the plain black one IMO I like it
They really need to drop the MMS DX on the logo. When it is on display, no one gives a ^^^^ what version of Joker is standing there. And frankly, I'm not impressed with any of the DX features except for perhaps moving eyes. They need to release figures one at a time at the best of their abilities and forget this tier business.
Yeah, the MMS DX on the stand is not needed. We all know that its the deluxe version, no need to overdo it :lol
I want to see the stand lit up. I don't think those two little lights are going to illuminate the figure very much though.

Don't underestimate LED. My dad says LED technology and some of the samples he's shown me are small as what's in that base and will blind ya if you look too long. Not to say they'll be putting something that high powered in this, but it is possible to achieve.
The stand looks fine to me.

It does to me, as well.
I think they were going for an "industrial" look, which the Nolan films seem to have. The "burning money" idea sounds cool, but would probably cost a small fortune to make, and would just end up looking lame, because in the movie the burning money was in a pile big enough to slide down. My bet is this stand will be used for any other MMS DX TDK figures. I imagine they will make a DX Batman, there are unmade accessories left for him, I can't imagine HT missing the opportunity for a double dip on him, too. I don't bet this base is standard for all DX figures. As was said, it wouldn't work for a Jack Sparrow, etc. Actually, the metallic texture could probably be replaced with a wooden one for him, etc. I think this new base style is just meant to spotlight the figure, not work as an environment.
I don't really know what the big fuss is about stands, anyway- I never use them. My figures stand up perfectly fine on their own, and don't fall. To me, putting them on a stand just takes away from any feel of realism, and makes them look more like statues. I find the TrueType body holds poses well.

edit-and now that I have seen the Joker suit display, the stand makes even more sense...
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They really need to drop the MMS DX on the logo. When it is on display, no one gives a ^^^^ what version of Joker is standing there. And frankly, I'm not impressed with any of the DX features except for perhaps moving eyes. They need to release figures one at a time at the best of their abilities and forget this tier business.

Hater in the house...:D
The base does look nice. The whole set up almost warrants it's own shelf space. Especially since none of the other figure bases in the line are the same...but that's just me. I'm a sucker for uniformity when it comes to the bases.

No doubt...It think its designed really well...Better than a typical black stand..

Thoughts on base:

1. I think it's exactly what it needs to be: a showcase platform for Hot Toys' deluxe line with spot lights on the figure. I'm sure it will win a lot of people over when pics are posted of the spot lights in action.

2. Should be a hot parted out item with people wanting one for the other TDK figures.

3. I don't think there's need for mega worry about other DX releases having the steel floor. I'd imagine they'd give Jack Sparrow beat up wooden pirate ship floor boards with the same black boarder and spot lights. There's a chance, but IMO it's slim.
I like the stand. If holds together better than the other HT stands I've had I'll be using it instead of a SS stand.