Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Hey Plasmid, don't read too deeply into my posts. I really don't care one way or the other.:lol I am actually quite content with my V1 Joker. I just find it funny how a lot of people are oogling over a repainted BR sculpt, some new hands, grenades, and a textured purple coat.

I don't think its a direct repaint of the BR -- there are minor, but noticable, differences in the facial expression. I'm pretty excited about it because I didn't bite on V1 ...

I'm oogling over the Joker head alone :lol, but for what I get out of my figures, that's a big deal and fitting to be excited about it. Photos are often limited by the eyes being stuck in one position, some positions worse than others, but the total freedom of this head is very liberating as a figure photographer.
Hey Plasmid, don't read too deeply into my posts. I really don't care one way or the other.:lol I am actually quite content with my V1 Joker. I just find it funny how a lot of people are oogling over a repainted BR sculpt, some new hands, grenades, and a textured purple coat.

Some of us actually enjoy collecting and seeing new stuff. Ya know instead of ^^^^^ing, moaning, groaning, complaining, and nitpicking things to death. ;)
Hey Josh, it just seems a lot of people are acting like the V1 is garbage and it must be replaced with this. I don't see enough upgrades in this new release to warrant the 'DX' name. And if they are going to do this kind of thing, I'd rather see it released as an accessory pack rather than bundled with another figure.

The only thing I replaced on my V1 was the head. I have the Josh/Les head on mine which is far better IMo than the original. This sculpt looks much better as well compared to that. Otherwise it looks pretty similar outfit wise to me but I like the way the new head looks and works so I'm getting it plus I get the Cop Joker which is awesomeness too.
I'm getting it plus I get the Cop Joker which is awesomeness too.

That's the appeal of this "set" for me, I was going to get the Cop at $150 (average price for HT) anyway, now I get extra goodies for not too much more. If my only interest in this were the mob Joker stuff, I'd just pay eBay price for the head. The coat, suspenders and extra hands and grenade rig are cool as added items, but not so much I'd buy this package just for them.
Easy pass for me. I'm done with Hot Toys...especially after shelling out $300 for 2 Joker figs (V1 & BR). It pisses me off that they would essentially upgrade the V1 Joker and call it DX. The reason why I even picked up the BR Joker was for the head sculpt to put on the V1 and now they pull this.

It's one thing releasing a Cop version of the Joker, it's another releasing a Nurse version...but did they have the customers that bought the other Jokers in mind when they came up with this decision to throw in an upgrade of the head sculpt and clothing of the original suit w/ the Cop Joker?
I don't see enough upgrades in this new release to warrant the 'DX' name.
Seeing as how this is the first figure in an entirely new series, I'm not sure how you can measure what does and doesn't warrant "DX".
And if they are going to do this kind of thing, I'd rather see it released as an accessory pack rather than bundled with another figure.
But that would limit the product to the people who already own V1 Joker, instead of offering a superior product for those of us who didn't feel V1 Joker was worth buying. It seems to me there may be too many collectors here who think they need to buy everything, whether they're truly happy with it or not.
But that would limit the product to the people who already own V1 Joker, instead of offering a superior product for those of us who didn't feel V1 Joker was worth buying. It seems to me there may be too many collectors here who to think they need to buy everything, whether they're truly happy with it or not.

I agree to an extent. I think people should buy whatever they like. But, I don't understand why people insist that their "ultimate" Joker (V1 body w/ V2 head) should be the definitive version from here to eternity. It wouldn't make sense for HT to have such great headsculpts of Ledger, and completely refrain from using the purple suit simply because they released a purple suit version with a non-Ledger sculpt.

I think it was quite managomous of HT to include this suit/sculpt with the Police Officer version, rather than simply re-releasing the purple suit version by itself. That "dual release" was a concession to "completists" that had already purchased V1 and V2 ... here is the police version, and for $25 more, we'll throw in a slightly better purple suit with a far superior headsculpt. So, in essence, you're buying the police figure you probably would've bought anyway -- and you're getting upgrades.

The reason I think this figure is awesome is, the new painted sculpt, the eyes, the new jacket with wires, the base, and the fact that one of this figures accessories is basically a whole nother figure. I think it def deserves to be called DX
I think it was quite managomous of HT to include this suit/sculpt with the Police Officer version, rather than simply re-releasing the purple suit version by itself. That "dual release" was a concession to "completists" that had already purchased V1 and V2 ... here is the police version, and for $25 more, we'll throw in a slightly better purple suit with a far superior headsculpt. So, in essence, you're buying the police figure you probably would've bought anyway -- and you're getting upgrades.
That's how I see it. Besides, I fully anticipate when that when the next Batman or Iron Man film comes out, Hot Toys will release superior figures of those characters that make their current (albiet awesome) offerings pale in comparison. And when that happens, I certainly wouldn't expect them to be offered only as some kind of bodiless upgrade kit for previous buyers.
They really need to drop the MMS DX on the logo. When it is on display, no one gives a ^^^^ what version of Joker is standing there. And frankly, I'm not impressed with any of the DX features except for perhaps moving eyes. They need to release figures one at a time at the best of their abilities and forget this tier business.

I agree, nothing screams deluxe special edition to me.

I think the BR head sculpt\paint application is better then this new one anyway, granted I have not seen in hand pics of the "Mob joker" yet but this head sculpt and the BR headsculpt look the same to me aside from the paint and moving that worth another 200 U.S. considering I don't care about the Cop joker, I'm gonna say no to this even though it's AWESOME because it's just way too similar to what Myself and a lot of other people already have...which is the BR head on a V1 body.

Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT telling people what to do or saying your wasting your money if you want this even though you already bought the other two, i'm just saying it's not different enough imo to warrant another purchase, sure if I missed out (like alot of peolpe) and couldn't get a V1 I would Def be all over this.

Bottom line, AWESOME Fig!!! just not different enough. If it were a totally new headsculpt, like lets say an updated V1 head that actually looked like ledgers joker giving that evil grin the V1 has, i wouldn't think twice and would already have my P.O. in!!!
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sorry if i have missed it but will any of the other joker heads fit this new purple coat joker?? i am waiting for a repainted joker head to arrive, it being 1 of the bank robber heads so would it fit this new joker body. although this fig comes with 1 body right??
sorry if i have missed it but will any of the other joker heads fit this new purple coat joker?? i am waiting for a repainted joker head to arrive, it being 1 of the bank robber heads so would it fit this new joker body. although this fig comes with 1 body right??

I don't see why not. Pretty sure the cop Joker uses a truetype.
I agree to an extent. I think people should buy whatever they like. But, I don't understand why people insist that their "ultimate" Joker (V1 body w/ V2 head) should be the definitive version from here to eternity. It wouldn't make sense for HT to have such great headsculpts of Ledger, and completely refrain from using the purple suit simply because they released a purple suit version with a non-Ledger sculpt.

I think it was quite managomous of HT to include this suit/sculpt with the Police Officer version, rather than simply re-releasing the purple suit version by itself. That "dual release" was a concession to "completists" that had already purchased V1 and V2 ... here is the police version, and for $25 more, we'll throw in a slightly better purple suit with a far superior headsculpt. So, in essence, you're buying the police figure you probably would've bought anyway -- and you're getting upgrades.


I tend to think of Ultimate as, if you have all the figs... that means you get all the goodie accessories to display.

If one person only has one Joker with just a knife, doesn't really cut it and some cards.

Knifes, variants of grenades, many guns, lots of hand variations, lots of cards, lots of money... if you've made it can look quite a display piece.

Though I'd love to get some of those display cards that are much taller than A4 to stand behind the figs. Or something similar.
I agree to an extent. I think people should buy whatever they like. But, I don't understand why people insist that their "ultimate" Joker (V1 body w/ V2 head) should be the definitive version from here to eternity. It wouldn't make sense for HT to have such great headsculpts of Ledger, and completely refrain from using the purple suit simply because they released a purple suit version with a non-Ledger sculpt.

I think it was quite managomous of HT to include this suit/sculpt with the Police Officer version, rather than simply re-releasing the purple suit version by itself. That "dual release" was a concession to "completists" that had already purchased V1 and V2 ... here is the police version, and for $25 more, we'll throw in a slightly better purple suit with a far superior headsculpt. So, in essence, you're buying the police figure you probably would've bought anyway -- and you're getting upgrades.


I hope you mean "Far superior" to the V1 head :lol
i was thinking of selling on my v1 which i just bought >:-( then buy this so i got the cop joker and the clothes then get another hot bod for the better purple suit?

but i may jst keep the v1 i got and never opened, and then get this later on at some point if ican??

whats ppl think?? is it worth keeping v1 and getting this? i like the cop joker so would it look stupid to have 2 purple coat jokers displayed together, altho in diff positions, with different heads.
i was thinking of selling on my v1 which i just bought >:-( then buy this so i got the cop joker and the clothes then get another hot bod for the better purple suit?

but i may jst keep the v1 i got and never opened, and then get this later on at some point if ican??

whats ppl think?? is it worth keeping v1 and getting this? i like the cop joker so would it look stupid to have 2 purple coat jokers displayed together, altho in diff positions, with different heads.

Dude if you want it, and you like it, and can afford it.....then get it!! who cares if other people think it looks stupid to display 2 jokers with the same outfit....I don't care what people think of how I display my what you want!!!

your money! your collection! :D
Dude if you want it, and you like it, and can afford it then get it, who cares if other people think it looks stupid to display 2 jokers with the same outfit....I don't care what people think of how I display my what you want!!!

your money! your collection! :D

yeah thanks power, dumb question really. i do like the v1 i jst bought, ive got a repainted head coming from seb/elvis1976 which is alot better, and now iseen this i love this aswel so iguess if ican id get this aswel. i aint bothered about havin more than 1 joker i guess,.