Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Impressions from the store display pics:

Cop Joker looks even better than the official photos, as per usual. The lighting is always beneficial in the display pics.

Cop Joker should poss have more hair scrunched at the back, a little too short.

The purple coat is again, worryingly, EXTREMELY dark. Guess will just have to put up with it. Annoying though to say the least.
So, i wonder how you position the eyes?, remove the hair? or are they sealed in the sculpt for good?, use our fingers to adjust them?, i can see the QC problems now..someone is going to order from China and get one with a missing eye lol.
I'm still really wondering that too, no word yet, but i'm very eager to see. People have said possible a little pin hole in the pupil, that you stick something in and move them, but if so, it'd have to be EXTREMELY small, because we can't see anything so far, and it would just generally be unnappealing to the eye
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The paint job is quite good -- but could be a bit messier around the lips (particularly the lower lip), and more defined on the facial wrinkles (particularly on the forehead wrinkles, and laugh lines). Maybe a LITTLE more smearing around the eyes as well.


that's what i'm thinking too, not so much the cleanliness ive come to realise, it's more the thick look. It looks like paint that mimes use, WAY too thick, it needs that powdery look of both your reference photo, and the BR joker. I don't mean the smeared look or anything, just the thin, powdery looking application. like it's been dabbed on, so to speak
the blue/grey eyes are still annoying me also :p
I'm still really wondering that too, no word yet, but i'm very eager to see. People have said possible a little pin hole in the pupil, that you stick something in and move them, but if so, it'd have to be EXTREMELY small, because we can't see anything so far, and it would just generally be unnappealing to the eye

I have a head with movable eyes someone made. The pupil's were holes, then you use a needle to move them around.

They won't have to be extremely small because they already are! Look at the eyes on your 1/6 figures.

You're not going to notice something like this.
I don't really believe that the eyes moved by a hole in the pupil, although it looks that way. I wouldnt be too comfortable positioning eyes that way.
So, i wonder how you position the eyes?, remove the hair? or are they sealed in the sculpt for good?, use our fingers to adjust them?, i can see the QC problems now..someone is going to order from China and get one with a missing eye lol.

Maybe they are magnetic so if you move a magnet in front of them they will move towards it. :)
I'm hoping by magnet, or some kind of twisting mechanism from inside the head with the use of a special key you insert under the neck to position the eyes.
Don't get me wrong there's basically nothing I can say bad about this figure at all. I guess I'm just partial to the smeared to hell look with the paint job.

I agree with you totally, as awesome as this new "Mob" joker is....I perfer the BR paint Apps way more!!
I actually prefer the BR Joker head too. I like the DX version also, just not as much. I wish the BR Joker head would've had moveable eyes. :(
I find it odd how some think it may not fit a standard TT because it says 'fitter cutting'. Does not mention anywhere about a slimmer cut and to me means that the shirt collar will fit better and the coat will hang nicer with more accurately positioned lapels.

EDIT: not directed at you Darkshadows, I was back scanning the thread and you coincidentally posted the topic again. :D
So far, the shirt collar doesn't look that much better a fit than the original.

Both sides of the collar should just about meet at the top of the tie, there's a clear gap on the figure shirt. Billy's is the best shirt option out there.
BillyBs is def the way to go, I already have my second order in and I don't think the shirt collar looks any better either, but I was just getting at HT meaning.
BillyBs is def the way to go, I already have my second order in and I don't think the shirt collar looks any better either, but I was just getting at HT meaning.


He said he's not taking any new orders yet....
Yeah, I know what you mean, I take it as the fit on the elements of the costume is truer to the film tha the v1, not specifically to a unique body.