pin & needles? tell me, will those be provided by hottoys as well to move the eyes around? for pete's sake. pin and needles??? is this the 18th century?
dont take everything hottoys said at face value. they only claimed the moving eyes is their innovation, when in fact they're just copying what their competitor has been doing. here's how enterbay does it:
you pop open the top part of the head(it's magnetized to the lower head, easy to pull apart), and you'll see the back of the eyes. simply move them around with your finger.
just look at that pic. how hard you think it is to make the movement parallel, from there?
if 95% of the work has been done for you, and you only add that extra 5% to make it better, then it's definitely NOT your innovation.
just look at that pic. how hard you think it is to make the movement parallel, from there?
if 95% of the work has been done for you, and you only add that extra 5% to make it better, then it's definitely NOT your innovation.
It's not Enterbay's either. G.I. Joe figures had moveable eyes since the 70's.
Hot Toys appears to claim innovation because their eyes incorporate "parallel" motion -- so that your figure doesn't end up cross-eyed, wall-eyed, etc. If this is the case, it would certainly be an innovation beyond that of Enterbay.
That's where I believe the innovation may be. I remember other figures in the past having movable eyes, but HT is trying to get them to move in parallel. I always worried about the moving eyes going cross-eyed with some of these figures. Hopefully HT has worked this problem out.
In case anybody didn't know, today is Heath Ledger's birthday.
Which, ironically he shares with Robert Downey Jr.