Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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pin & needles? tell me, will those be provided by hottoys as well to move the eyes around? for pete's sake. pin and needles??? is this the 18th century?

dont take everything hottoys said at face value. they only claimed the moving eyes is their innovation, when in fact they're just copying what their competitor has been doing. here's how enterbay does it:


you pop open the top part of the head(it's magnetized to the lower head, easy to pull apart), and you'll see the back of the eyes. simply move them around with your finger.
Hot Toys is claiming the Parallel Eye Rolling System as their own. Sure other people have done poseable eyes before, but I'd say odds are the Hot Toys method is a new one, so they're in the right to call the technology their own. Poseable, no, it's not all theirs, but how they do it may be their own unique method.
i'd be very very surprised if hottoys is not copying enterbay's method. it's too simple and easy, making it perfect as it is. no need to complicate things.
pin & needles? tell me, will those be provided by hottoys as well to move the eyes around? for pete's sake. pin and needles??? is this the 18th century?

dont take everything hottoys said at face value. they only claimed the moving eyes is their innovation, when in fact they're just copying what their competitor has been doing. here's how enterbay does it:


you pop open the top part of the head(it's magnetized to the lower head, easy to pull apart), and you'll see the back of the eyes. simply move them around with your finger.

Hot Toys appears to claim innovation because their eyes incorporate "parallel" motion -- so that your figure doesn't end up cross-eyed, wall-eyed, etc. If this is the case, it would certainly be an innovation beyond that of Enterbay.

just look at that pic. how hard you think it is to make the movement parallel, from there?

if 95% of the work has been done for you, and you only add that extra 5% to make it better, then it's definitely NOT your innovation.
just look at that pic. how hard you think it is to make the movement parallel, from there?

if 95% of the work has been done for you, and you only add that extra 5% to make it better, then it's definitely NOT your innovation.

It's not Enterbay's either. G.I. Joe figures had moveable eyes since the 70's. We don't know how HT's PERS functions yet so maybe it'll be unique. Who knows.

I do agree that getting eyes on an Enterbay figure to move together without getting crosseyed isn't difficult. I had an Enterbay Jet Li and applied a piece of tape in order to move the eyes in parallel. Pretty easy.
just look at that pic. how hard you think it is to make the movement parallel, from there?

if 95% of the work has been done for you, and you only add that extra 5% to make it better, then it's definitely NOT your innovation.

I didn't say it was particularly difficult ... I said it was novel (thus, an innovation). It is also possible that their "parallel eye rolling system" does not resemble that at all. Seems a bit premature to judge a supposed innovation that you haven't seen.

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Agreed, SnakeDoc. Until the figure is in hand, and we have all seen the PERS system, it's too early to tell who this innovation actually belongs to. What's the point in arguing about it now?
Hot Toys appears to claim innovation because their eyes incorporate "parallel" motion -- so that your figure doesn't end up cross-eyed, wall-eyed, etc. If this is the case, it would certainly be an innovation beyond that of Enterbay.


That's where I believe the innovation may be. I remember other figures in the past having movable eyes, but HT is trying to get them to move in parallel. I always worried about the moving eyes going cross-eyed with some of these figures. Hopefully HT has worked this problem out.
That's where I believe the innovation may be. I remember other figures in the past having movable eyes, but HT is trying to get them to move in parallel. I always worried about the moving eyes going cross-eyed with some of these figures. Hopefully HT has worked this problem out.

Take this with a grain of salt (and a shot if you get down like that! :monkey5) because it's pure speculation until HT releases more info, but imo the "innovation" has to do with the translucent eye effect and just in general the look of the eyes. I've seen a lot of moveable eyes, and the one thing they almost always lacked was any type of detail on the sides of the eyeball. They're usually plain white which looks really fake when the eye is turned to the side. Just based off these initial pics you can see the eyeballs have A LOT of detail on the sides, like all the vessels etc.


The translucent part, to me, suggests that there's a clear covering over the eye.. adding depth to it. So that the actual iris/pupil isnt flat to the eye like almost every other 1/6 eye out there. I think that's why people think there's a hole there.. because the iris/pupil isn't flat to the outside of the eye like you're used to. If that's the case imo that, in and of itself would be innovative because it's one step closer to realism.
However it's achieved, I'm excited about the versatility this figure will have, now it just needs to ship.
I'm assuming this new eye system will only be used for certain figures since none of the new Terminator (Bale)/Predator (Dutch/Billy) figures have it and even the Cop Joker head doesn't have it. Wonder if it'll ever become the standard for HT figures.. and I wonder how much it's affecting the price of this release, future releases!?
That's why I commented in the MMSDX thread, if it's a significant factor in pricing a figure, I'd like to see it reserved for characters where it can really make a different. John Connor, Dutch, those are characters where the painted eyes are just fine, even Cop Joker, the head being used as it's intended, painted eyes are fine, maybe some folks want to put makeup on it for a traditional Joker, but that's their choice and no sense padding cost with posable eyes when the majority aren't using it for that purpose. If the price difference is a couple bucks, then use it on all future figures I say.