Super Freak
It seems this pic has been overlooked - the best example I've seen here yet to show 4 tails.
let me just put my word in on this whole tail discussion - in the promo pic of him with his back turned, holding the knife (not with the fire, the other one), there is a seam running down the middle of his back, which turns into a slit. Now, there is another slit to the side of that, and logically another on the other side. Doesnt this equal four tails? If he had three there wouldnt be a slit in the center, right???
Hecubus said:yeah - I'm not sure what you're trying to show me Devil, but the coat in your pic doesnt have a split in the center... I dont see how a coat can be split in the center but only have three tails...
Hecubus said:there is a seam running down the middle of his back, which turns into a slit.
The coat I posted would be an example of a coat with 3 coat tails. Actually it's just called a back vent, but for this discussion let's keep calling all the splits in fabric "tails". lol.
There's a seam running right down the middle of the jacket.. yet there's no split at the bottom.
My point was just because there's a seam running down the back that doesn't automatically mean there's also a slit there.
I wonder how much of that paper money is real. As in imagine the time making all that to then supposedly burn it if it wasn't somewhat CGI... money and fire.
Yes, but if you look at the picture at the top of the page you can SEE there is a vent in the middle
My point was just because there's a seam running down the back that doesn't automatically mean there's also a slit there.
Alright, this is the scene I'm talking about:
Note that this is just a crappy screenshot I took from youtube, but it should still be clear that there is a slit in the coat (that's obviously shorter than the other two slits mostly seen). If you want to check it on the DVD, as I said it's 2:08:06...
Mollins said:Yes, but if you look at the picture at the top of the page you can SEE there is a vent in the middle
Mollins said:I think it's probably bills that are to be destroyed, y'know, like the ones they take out of circulation.
"What do you mean, you people?"
Ok, I was for a little discussion regarding this matter, but this conversation has turned into a cluster^^^^, and it's not going anywhere. Those who see 4 tails are seeing it and sticking by it, those that don't are sticking by that, no one's mind's changing or anything, there's just no point in having a pissing contest about it anymore. When it started, it seemed like those not seeing 4 may have just needed some alternate photos, clearly no photo is proof positive enough so not it's just a big back and forth, 3, no 4, no 3.
Cheer up, in about 2 months, we'll be enjoying this figure in our hands, provided you ordered somewhere getting it from HT and not DCD.
I just want an unquestionably purple coat, that is all that I ask, let every other wrong thing stand but get the purple on the coat to show.
It's nowhere near as dark as the v.1 which was my main concern because in low level light the v.1 coat is almost black and for example my Subject 1025 Baby Sitter (The Dead SS) has a dark blue vest and in the lighting my figures are in generally, that vest looks pretty much black with a hint of blue in certain angles. So as dark as the v.1 coat is, it would most certainly appear black (dark purple in certain angles) in my office. But the new MMS DX coat won't (as it's currently colored) so just as long as HT doesn't go darker, I'm straight.
Same here, the rest of it is pointless unless the purple tone of the coat stands out as purple and not some tone you need special lighting or squinting to see the purple in like the v1.
Was your purple coat darker than mine? or was it the same?
Low level light? Thats a bit silly. Doesn't matter what you put in low level light it'll be dark. It's not going to keep it's true colour unless it glows.
No. I just checked it out (it's actually around 2:16 on my DVD) and what you're seeing is the split of the inner coat agonistes86. Not the overcoat.