Are you throwing a tantrum?
I'm babbling about your trivia. You certainly sounded like it was to remain it's natural look in low level light. It's not my fault you don't make it clear.
I'm curious how many people actually feel this way because the only people that seem so utterly fussed about this so called blackness that I never seem to see, it is you. Maul has spoken about it in the past but you seem to have an obsessive compulsive disorder over it.
I don't see everyone marching about the colour like you. :s
So you're not happy with the color of the coat as it is now? If that's what we end up getting, I would be cool with it personally.
the number of tails on the coat are the most insignificant thing about this figure ever! Maulfan is correct we need to have the colour of the coat correct first and foremost. Casper if it bothers you that much then when you get yours cut a slit in it and make it have 4 tails.
I'll guess I'll be the 100th person to say "wow, are we still talking about coat tails?"
The problem is it's not a discussion. There are 2 sides to the matter and both are firmly in their place and it just reads like a big pissing match over who is right and neither side believes the arguments of the other. If forward progress were made by the discussion it'd make sense to talk about it so much, but the same pictures and arguments are being used repeatedly and making no difference, what is gained from the comments about the matter any more.
People who believe there are 4 tails will be bothered because the figure likely has 3, people who think there are only 3 on the film costume will feel the figure is accurrate and not care.
The problem is it's not a discussion. There are 2 sides to the matter and both are firmly in their place and it just reads like a big pissing match over who is right and neither side believes the arguments of the other. If forward progress were made by the discussion it'd make sense to talk about it so much, but the same pictures and arguments are being used repeatedly and making no difference, what is gained from the comments about the matter any more.
this is a discussion forum, is it not? We are discussing the accuracy of the figure the thread is about. If you dont want to talk about it, then dont. Dont bash people who actually have interest in the subject. Nygma - you are NOT someone who should be telling anyone to shut up.
Honestly people - if you dont care, then just ignore the discussion...