Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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I initially thought that the base was supposed to be a normal base with "Joker graffiti" on it which I actually thought was kinda clever. Looks like the red markings are just rust, not paint. Eh.


Not a big fan of the stand either...the purple is tacky and the rusted metal look doesn't help, but I don't think I'll be using it for display anyway...
I still think its better looking than the horrible 89 Batman Stands. Those things suck IMO

If the purple was painted black , i like it , the industrial weathered rusty look works for The Joker , just pretend he's in the Cargo Ship

Everything Burns

Doesn't look like the shoe knife actually retracts into the shoe it just looks like a clip on :(
It's a shame the stand doesn't have "ha ha ha" over it, I have ordered a couple plain hot toys stands to have a play around with, seeing as I will have the DX01 arrive soon and needed a stand for one of them.

Know what....I know I bust you guys chops about the whole sock_gate thing but.....I have an OCD confession!

The effing bullets!!! THERE FREAKING BACKWARDS IN THE CLIPS!! So little the hell can you fire backward bullets?! :gah:
Yeah, thy should stop using that stand - time for something new

Void, are you still in contact with Kato?

If so, are you in a position to discuss things like the socks and the high-waters with him? Even stuff like the stand. If he's working with Hot Toys, it seems like that gives us a direct line of communication...
If the high water pants are off, then that's a concern to me. It doesn't look that great to me as a casual observer, but if it is accurate to the source then I'll deal. I can only assume Kato would get that right, considering the amount of time and effort that went into getting all the less significant details right regarding tailoring of shirt and vest and whatnot.