Super Freak
There is some confirmation for you guys.
Seeding a torrent 'I Know That Girl 9'. I couldn't help but google it. Naughty, naughty!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
My friend if you haven't watched that it is phenomenal. My friend went to school with that girl.
It looks like you guys just ordered this week? Sometimes new orders hit shipping soon status by mistake.
Oops! That is the wrong one. He sent me two files... the first one is wrong. Look up "Before her Show."
I do t know what the deal is! A friend of mine's order status still says processing, but yet mine says shipping soon.
I'm giving them a call tomorrow, I don't mean to get everyone overly excitedin case it's not true, I apologize!!
As of right now, it still says "Item Shipping Soon"