Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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No, 100% not. Yankee is a great guy. We were friends.

Were? He obviously remembers you from the boards. I wonder who this guy could be then. Any guesses?

Definitely not YP. We (xjamiex and I) were pretty good friends as well.

Then he just left. We heard from him around Thanksgiving, he's on some sports board now. Seems to be doing OK.
Regardless of care factor or ignore buttons, it's nice to be able to have a discussion that doesn't turn to **** over the slightest little thing, as so often happens in l.

True true, but people who get shirty over figures our they really worth your time to have a discussion with? Keep hitting it and you eventually end with people who opinion matters :D

Anyhow think the doll looks great. Would rather have it printed than end up looking like some sideshow PFs.

Should take the hand painted out if the description tho
True true, but people who get shirty over figures our they really worth your time to have a discussion with? Keep hitting it and you eventually end with people who opinion matters :D

True also. The day I get worked up over a doll and what people have to say about it will be a very sad day indeed :)

Now David Shaw changed his profile to "David Shawn".

Is there no end to his cunning?
DiFabio is the hero we need right now. :lol

But not the one we deserve :lol


That "David Shawn" guy has your sig as his profile on FB right now too.

It's like the Thing. It keeps on assimilating and attacking different sideshowfreak members.

It's like the Thing. It keeps on assimilating and attacking different sideshowfreak members.


I'm not convinced about the material used for the coat, and the paint app isn't as good as the proto.

Hear that David Shaw?

Come at me bro.
I'm not convinced about the material used for the coat, and the paint app isn't as good as the proto.

Hear that David Shaw?

Come at me bro.

You wont hear anything here, but just keep checking FB, Im sure he will give a shout out to you next on there. :lol

After posting that link on HT page directed at him Ive been added to the roster for people he's calling out.

Me, Rory, Difabio, Batfan all got the "Golden Turd Award". Hilarious. :rotfl:lol:rotfl
As for DX11, I had two of these pre-ordered, But after I caved and decided I wanted/needed the Enterbay HD version I cancelled one of them and used that money and put it towards the HD 1/4.

I ended up buy a DX01 again from my cousin for $150 so Ill just use him for my interrogation room set up with the laughing sculpt and DX11 bare hands.

If I ever feel the need to get a second PERS DX11 I'll just get one off ebay.