i always tell my gf my figures are old ones hahaha
sometimes she believes me....
Ah. I just got a second non-ex and it's felted. Guess they just started doing it after the initial EX release.
Nerds and nerdettes i need your expertise. Ive just ordered a DX11, Already have a DX01 but while i have both in hand im wondering if there is anything i should salvage from the DX01 that i can make " more accurate " with the new figure ? Ill be selling off my dx01 but id like to know if theres anything you guys could say to keep.
So a question for others with the figure... anyone have issues with the ankle joints? Mine seem a bit... loose... as in, if I position him in a standing positiong withOUT the stand, he just ends up falling forward. With the stand he is just fine, of course. It's nothing that concerns me majorly, I just thought I would check.
I tell my wife I buy them at Walmart, so when I die some lucky sob is going to get them for $5.00 at a swapmeet , mmm maybe I should request to be buried with them .
I always try to find a way to be working in the yard or something so I can meet the UPS/USPS so I can stash them in my garage without my wife knowing. I used up all the old Ive had this forever excuse for at least the rest of the year.
ha ha ha ha that was my old line too " I had them forever" until she got wise to it, so I tell her I only payed 25 bucks for them and so far so good just for show I bought and Iron Man figure for 20.00 at walmart and showed her the receipt![]()
Dude that's brilliant. Maybe we need a thread on "how to bend the truth and not get caught collecting 1/6."
Got this two days ago... Wonderful figure!
Outstanding photography!!!![]()