It's stupid to insult someone over figure prices.
It's stupid to argue over toys in general.
It's stupid to insult someone over figure prices.
I've said that before and the smartass response I always got was always "Nothing wrong with a discussion, why don't you move along".It's stupid to argue over toys in general.
Sounds like you need to take a breath and find your happy place.
Moderators? Mount up!
Hi guys, got badly ripped by a guy that did not pack the hands and gun in the Hot toys bank robber 2.0 set. Anyone got a spare JOKER GLOCK and the BANK ROBBER GLOVES for sale?
(if so, maybe some cards and cash would also be nice)
Gun's not there but you can pickup hands and money.
Pretty much a guarantee that they'll release another ledger joke in the next few years. Probably the 10 year anniversary or something
Hmmm,...makes sense, but with Suicide Squad figures on a high, I don´t know for sure.
Don't the usually only revisit a figure if the last version was obviously lacking in some way (like the versions that came prior to DX11 and DX12)? I can't really imagine them re-releasing a figure simply because of popularity or an anniversary or something.