HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & Pics

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

^^ and listen to this man! He's the one who advised me to check the commerce section lol.. Thanks man. Saved me some money.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Advertise on craigslist too. The buyer of my dx12 lived nearby. Came ovrr and picked it up.

No fees, no hassle
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yup, definitely check out the for sale threads. I bought mine from a member on here last week. I love it.

Can anyone post pictures showing their custom capes? I want a new one but I don't know which to get.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I also purchased my DX12 from a fellow boardie. In fact, that is how I also purchased Odin, my DX11, and Catwoman. There are some very cool members here! A lot better than resorting to eBay! :wink1:
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I believe retail was around 250.

I bought mine for almost double that. Which was about retail price in UK!!
I wanted a bran spanking new, which in hindsight doesn't make that much if a difference if its kept well by the previous owner.

If they make a new DK batman I'll likey sell this one for the bew
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yep, $259.99 I think. I pre-ordered mine from BBTS and got them around $239.99 I think. Prices have been around $375-$400 as of late. I'm debating selling my last one instead of posing the HK extraction scene and just keeping my extra QS001 for that since the sculpt is better, but I like to have a 1/6 version...
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I felt that way with the dx02 too. Then the dx12 came out.

Patience is a virtue, wait. The DK suit will be released again eventually. And better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nah, they'll move onto the bats vs superman license because that's what will be popular
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Regardless, they know it's property that will sell. Affleck will do good as Bats

Am i the only one kind of angry that Superman doesn't get a proper sequel which could do well to further develop his character and his world? It seems to me all DC/WB are doing is trying to cash in on the Avengers hype train by shoehorning all these other iconic DC characters. It's funny how there has been no mention of anything Superman related so far for this sequel. Honestly speaking, i am not too confident or that excited about this movie and how well it could be.

I know this isn't the right thread to discuss this but i just felt like ranting a bit.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Well it's obviously a cash grab

Why do you say that? Batman and Superman have been together in some awesome stories over the years, I don't think he's being shoehorned in to it. I would have preferred a stand alone Batman movie first, but its going to be cool regardless.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Why do you say that? Batman and Superman have been together in some awesome stories over the years, I don't think he's being shoehorned in to it. I would have preferred a stand alone Batman movie first, but its going to be cool regardless.

Well for one, the justice league sequel depended on the profits of man of steel which means they didn't have a serious vision about it. They were only going to do it if it garuntees them Money. Man of steel made enough but that's why batman isin the sequel. That is also why Wonder Woman is too, they're in a rush to get to the full justice league movie before the genre gets played out so they can make their money. Also Ben affleck is there because he's going to make warner brothers money with other movies he makes, including the justice league movie. That's why they chose him as batman. They just lost some executives and Nolan has moved on and I think they needed to fill that gap with Ben. He wasn't chosen for his acting ability which is why I'm annoyed with the choice, but he's not going to blow it either. He'll just be average, he's not a good enough actor to reinvent the role. Anyway that's the way I see it. Sorry I'm on my phone
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Well for one, the justice league sequel depended on the profits of man of steel which means they didn't have a serious vision about it. They were only going to do it if it garuntees them Money. Man of steel made enough but that's why batman isin the sequel. That is also why Wonder Woman is too, they're in a rush to get to the full justice league movie before the genre gets played out so they can make their money. Also Ben affleck is there because he's going to make warner brothers money with other movies he makes, including the justice league movie. That's why they chose him as batman. They just lost some executives and Nolan has moved on and I think they needed to fill that gap with Ben. He wasn't chosen for his acting ability which is why I'm annoyed with the choice, but he's not going to blow it either. He'll just be average, he's not a good enough actor to reinvent the role. Anyway that's the way I see it. Sorry I'm on my phone

Do you think Ben Affleck is a big enough draw to justify them casting him on name alone? I dont really see it the same way as you I guess.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Do you think Ben Affleck is a big enough draw to justify them casting him on name alone? I dont really see it the same way as you I guess.

As an actor no, but as a director who won the academy award, yeah I believe they're trying to ride that wave
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yep.. they are rushing the formation of the Justice League without establishing the characters first. They are treating Batman as a secondary character by not giving him his own film. They could have dropped hints in Man of Steel that Batman lives in this same universe. Then they could have drop hints in a Batman move that Superman lives in this same world. Then it would have been a logical move to pull them together in a movie and hint at or introduce the other characters of the Justice League.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

They did establish that Bruce Wayne was in the Man of Steel universe though. But I guess they figured another Batman solo movie right after the Nolan Trilogy would be too soon too fast and so they figured, we got enough Batman, let's just bring the JLA together so we can go toe to toe with Marvel's Avengers.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yeah there was a Wayne enterprises satellite in MOS.

I think they went the perfect way about it, putting batman in MOS2. Wonder Woman sounds like it'll loose focus to me. So I hope it concentrates on the two mains.

I'm very curious how they get Bats to work in this MOS universe thoug
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Oh ok.. I didn't know about the Wayne Enterprises satellite in Man of Steel. I missed that.