I complain for one reason: I'm not a customizer. I have neither the time, patience, nor resources to soak hundreds of dollars into a figure that I've already paid a few hundred for in the hopes that it looks "perfect". That's why I complain; because I want it as close to perfect out of the box. The thing that these companies don't understand is that, for these prices, we shouldn't have to customize anything. Hell, we give them plenty of feedback, and if they'd just pull their heads out of their ***** and listen, all that they'd need to do is fix the problems, as we'd have already found them.
Not to mention the fact that, by ignoring their fanbase and putting out a product that isn't the best it can be, they're potentially hurting their own business. If Person A spends $1,000 a year on this hobby, that's about 4 DX figures, give or take. Let's say that his DX 12 arrives as it is, now, and Person A proceeds to soak $300 into this thing to get it "perfect". That's two figures that he can no longer afford.