Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &
I hear you, G. It's a matter of opinion so there really are no wrong answers as it is completely subjective.
I agree
Lee in MI said:
For example, you pointed out the cape. While you say it is "a lot" better, the general consensus seems to be that it still needs improvement and therefore could stand replacing. While the 02's cape didn't drape as well as this one, it too was overwhelmingly replaced for a better one...and if they both can be replaced, or arguably, should be replaced for more accurate ones, how can one be more than just marginally better than the other...they're both disposable.
One thing some know about me is that I do not flow with the general consensus. But even so, I've owned the medi, DX02, lances velvet cape (which has arguably been said to be better than the rayon) and now the DX12 and after having ALL those different kind of capes, I choose the DX12's. I think it's betters than Lance's capes. I personally think ppl haven't futz with theirs enough b/c almost no pics that I've seen have the cape sitting as flat as I have mine on the shoulders. No offense towards Lance as his capes are fantastic, like I've said I've owned one and was even going to buy a rayon for the DX12 from how bad ppl futzed the cape in their pics, but in many cases, the custom cape looks like it's about to fall out of place and don't sit like it does in this pic for example.
Again, I hope ppl don't take offense to this as I'm not dissing the man or his work. they work great for previous versions, they hang naturally and have a great weight to them. I just don't feel I need one for this figure like I thought I would unlike the DX02 and medi where one of the first things I did was get a custom cape
Lee in MI said:
The new question. You'll get no argument from me there and I've stated as much. It is one of the gems of this set. Definitely "a lot" better than any we've seen thus far.
Lee in MI said:
The cowl...still inaccurate: just like the DX 02. Is it better than the 02, sure. Is it "a lot" better...that's a stretch seeing as it is still not right. It's only marginally better than what we already have because in the end, they're both wrong.
Yea I think it's a lot better. again, I've had 2 TDK suit Batman figures and now DX12; and while this one is said to be inaccurate, I like it better than the Medi and the DX02. I feel it's alot better than the narrow/long eared DX02 cowl and it's definitely better than an
unmodded Medi cowl. Even seeing the medi cowl on the DX12 body doesn't look right in the pics I've seen. While it may be "wrong/inaccurate" to some, as an overall aesthetic pov, DX12 head on DX12 body looks the best IMO
Lee in MI said:
Articulation? Sure it's better...but it's no Spider-Man! Besides, most guys are just gonna pose him in the same brooding pose, head down, slightly cocked to the side, eyes up, arms down, waiting for the most HTs Batman figures. So in a practical sense, this is almost a tie with the 12 edging out ahead only because you can actually put him in/on the vehicles. But I would certainly not classify this as "a lot" better, but it is...better.
Why use spiderman as an example to compare? there's no need for him to be as poseable as spiderman, especially if we're going to use the "preactical sense" way of posing as you said? I'm not going to lie, I'd like to put my Batman in crouching position, but that's not a strike against the figure. I honeslty don't think it's possibly with the way the suit is constructed at this scale. And See the thing is you say a practical sense of what the average collector will pose it like, however, I like to put my figures in dynamic poses (not all the time mind you as my DX12 is in a fighting stance right now), but that extra articulation will come in handy when I get Bane. Simple matter is, there are ways you can pose this figure that you couldn't before. a slight crunch or lean with the abs, legs spread/forward/backward, knees bent, elbows bent, shoulders up, back, forward. those things make a big difference when posing.
Lee in MI said:
Body proportions? I'll yeild on that too but I can honestly say I never really had a problem with 02's body proportions. It wasn't on my radar. But having both in hand, the 12 is still only a marginal change. If it makes a big difference, hmmm, maybe. But if the figure is just gonna stand there with his arms down, cape draped behind him, does it really make "a big difference?" I'd still say its only a marginal change. Now compared to the MMS71, it is A LOT better.
while I never had a problem against the DX02's body proportions, I knew that they weren't right. It's 2 different things to have an issue with the figure and know if something is wrong and just not care. To me, this is more Bale's body size than any of the TDK suit Batmans (men?) put out which does make it alot better..
to me
Lee in MI said:
Now when you factor in the long goofy gauntlets, the missing accessories and the funny loafer boots, I'd say what we have here is a marginally better figure...but certainly not significantly better and IMO I wouldn't classify it as "a lot" better either.
I have no issue with the gauntlets or the "loafer boots." when I look at this figure on my shelf, I can't tell that the boots are in 2 pieces. Even when I took the figure out of the box, the boots looked like one piece until I literally looked to check out how "bad" they really were since folks have cried about it. yea, not bad at all. Gauntlets. Yea, they're a little big, I won't deny it, and if I think of a way to fix that, I will but it's not something that's bugging me everytime I look at it.
Lee in MI said:
But I respect your opinion and I also qualified mine when I stated I still needed to futz with it more...might sway my initial impressions a bit.
cheers brother

I respect yours aswell
again, after having 2 previous versions of the TDK suit (and holding the MMS71 in my hands) in 1/6 scale, even a modded medi (yes I've been down that road), this version is alot better than those IMO.