However, it's really only from that angle. The head is tilted back there making the chin look very prominent.
From a norman angle, he's definitely more Bale than Clooney:
Regardless, it's a big improvement over the DX02 face plates IMO.
1) If anything, the back of the DX12 head is too flat. It hasn't looked "bulbous" to me at any angle.
2) I think I understand what you're saying about widening the bottom of the DX12 head. It definitely narrows down more at the bottom than the DX02.
It's wider at the cranium than the stock DX02 head, but the DX02 has the wider face.
However, I think the wider face of the DX02 is what makes him look like a chipmunk.
That said, I would be curious to see the DX12 cowl widened at the bottom...
3) Personally, I would be more inclined to use the word "stylized" to refer to the DX02 head. In fact others have. The ears alone make that point. And with the exception of the brow shape, the DX02 cowl has very little in common with the real cowl.