1/6 Hot Toys MMS Jawas & Power droid

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I just want The Gonk. I'll wait for eBay and see if someone pieces it out
Let's be honest if SSC tapped the alien's well again they'd be $250 easy. That's just how it is now.
Yeah this is almost $400 Australian, I can not, in any way justify that price, especially when I have the nearly identical SS ones.

Yeah, it is a bit rich for what they actually are. I kinda regret not getting the ?found in the warehouse? re-stock at PopCultcha of the Jawas and R5, but I suppose my desire for them isn?t really that strong.
I?m getting better at letting the ?I don?t need these? part of my brain triumph over my whims!

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This makes me a bit sad: I have just about everyone I want from the core characters of Star Wars... I have no intention of buying anything TROS... I didn't see anything new that I wanted at SDCC... and with prices like this I doubt I will be POing (and likely not buying) anything more from HT Star Wars.

There's a few pieces like 3PO or Lando or Bespin Han... and things HT won't make, like the DS Trooper... so I'm not sure what HT could make that would make me buy again. I have nothing this year from them yet. Nothing. For all of 2019 so far. That's a huge drop for me. Huge.

Here's a suggestion LIST for me:

anything Hoth
Death Star Trooper
Luke Pilot (ANH or ESB)
Bib Fortuna
Gamorrean Guard
General Grievous
Nute Gunray
Bespin Han

I think that's about it. I likely won't be double-dipping on 2.0 versions of the main characters unless the 1/6th tech changes drastically. Judging by Bespin Luke 2.0, nothing has changed.

Aside from OT stuff that I'd much rather have, I've been saying HT or SSC needed to do Nute Gunray and Rune Haako for years. Say what you want about the Nemoidians, but Nute was a front and center villain for a full film and a secondary villain for 2 more. Name another villain aside from Vader in the OT with more screen time. It will never happen, and I'm afraid to even think about what they'd cost with those elaborate costumes, but Nute at least deserves a fig.

And where the hell is Ackbar?!
They dropped this set this month probably means there wont be any SW reveals until October.
I just want The Gonk. I'll wait for eBay and see if someone pieces it out

Same as me. I have no need for more Jawas. If they were a huge upgrade to the SSC versions then maybe. But the jawas costumes are pretty basic, I can?t see these being really any different. No point spending silly money for a different version of background characters. I just really want Bespin Lando and Han, after which I can see me getting out of the 1/6 collecting game. Since the new films, my desire for SW in general has been diluted. It makes me very sad to say that but I feel like because of these new films the whole franchise has been tainted to a point where it?s becoming a bit of a joke. I wish we could go back 15 or so years ago when being a SW geek was cool. Maybe the Mandalorian will bring the franchise ?back on course? I for one really hope so.
Sadly I think these are the prices we need to expect for third tier characters from HT. The production numbers will be minimal compared to a Vader or Luke - so production cost is high per unit.
I'm hoping to just get the gonk separately - I seem to be alone in wanting the gonk more than the Jawa - but if I have to I'll get the set. The price is insane but I need that power droid.

Not alone at all. I've never been that impressed with the HT Jawas. The proto's at the cons have terrible proportions and how can you not use the hero gun that took down R2? But that Gonk, I was really hoping for a separate release.
I probably will too. Lube me up, hot toys.
I will wait though for a discount of some kind. The gonk is nice piece, I?m a sucker for droids. And aliens, hero?s, villains, troopers, Jedi, Sith, random minor characters, and being totally ripped off. Good times!
I got a set too. Not sure how it’s expected that they’ll keep cranking out some of the obscure stuff if we don’t support it. So many Bobas and Palpatines still available you’d think Star Wars is becoming less evergreen. :monkey3

$400 AUD for this? I don't know...

HT can't be making 2.0's forever. They'll dive into aliens eventually.