Everyone seems so sure she's a skywalker. I'm still not sure..
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During the flashback you hear voices from the history of the saber, Yoda & Palpatine etc. But then Obi Wan speaks directly to Rey when if she's a Skywalker it would make sense Anakin would have.I'm thinking Kenobi somehow. Not only that she has a british accent but a few reasons:
-She hears both Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregors voice guiding her during her flashback sequence when she touches Luke's Lightsaber
-She comes from a dessert planet VERY similar to Tatooine where Obi Wan spent most of his years.
-She uses the same type of Jedi mind trick Obi-Wan uses in ANH on the Stormtrooper
-She has some facial similarities IMO to younger Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor)
-When Maz Kanata is talking to Rey and says "Dear child, I see your eyes - you already know the truth. Whomever you are waiting for on Jakku, they're never coming back" "but, there's someone who still could" and Rey answers "Luke." Maz doesn't shoot that down. Meaning he is most likely not one of her parents.
Again have no idea how they would directly connect Rey to Obi-Wan, would have to be some clever and plausible writing in the story. But given some of the speculatory evidence I could definitely see Rey being a Kenobi. All my opinion of course!
And yes this is a great figure! lol
During the flashback you hear voices from the history of the saber, Yoda & Palpatine etc. But then Obi Wan speaks directly to Rey when if she's a Skywalker it would make sense Anakin would have.
However there's no obvious Kenobi relations or family in the previous 6 films.
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When it eventually comes out, they'll be loads of pissed off people who've spent years on the Internet explaining why it wasExactly, which is why its just me analyzing some things in the film and giving my opinion. At some point we all could be wrong and they could make her someone completely different haha
She would have to be kenobis granddaughter, i dont think that is implausible though. Would be a good lineage to continue.
I like that pose in the third pic wielding her grandfather's lightsaber.