Actually Red Metal, that simply is not correct.
Hot Toys owes me nothing. I may or may not have more disposable income than some collectors, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to let HT off the hook. I have, in fact spent a great deal of money on HT in the last four years, amongst other collectibles since 2002. However, I "try" to help keep HT on a much shorter leash because of their seemingly "blatant" disregard for quality, in terms with their pricing. If HT continues to produce less than 100% accurate sculpts and we continue to support them, by paying the premium prices, then that's simply what we're going to get. These issues must remain "hand in hand". Do you really realize how much the "likeness" rights add to the cost of a figure? If we don't care about likenesses, then why don't we just buy all of our collectibles at Wal-Mart? Concerning the Wolverine figure in question, though an AWESOME Wolverine figure, it clearly looks nothing like Hugh. I have yet to read a post as to how GREAT this likeness is. I appreciate you seemingly speaking with your wallet, but I truly hope that SF members "beat this issue to death" until the figure is released. Hopefully, we will see a accurate revision just as we did with the Avengers Thor. Other than the sculpt, I love this figure. I would LOVE to have a reason to pull the "Add to Cart" trigger! I mean no disrespect, and if you like this sculpt, then by all means argue the point.
In my very HUMBLE opinion, if we continue to support these "inferior" figures at these prices, then this it what we can expect to get. Again, I work a lot and thank God for the people on these forums that have more time than myself to help correct these problems. It helps to ensure our toys keep showing up in the mailbox looking pretty!
I'm just trying to help.