Super Freak
@brettb: Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Neat shots dude!
lol you had yourself a little photoshoot today, didnt you!
did you modify blades shades at all? or are they 100% stock?
I never get bored of Blade, especially when I managed to get him for under £100 I still wish HT would make a Blade 1 though
£100 - Cheeky bugger
I had like 3 opportunities to get Blade at around $120 shipped, but I was new to the hobby so I thought he'll be available later. Yeah right.
I never get bored of Blade, especially when I managed to get him for under £100 I still wish HT would make a Blade 1 though
I had like 3 opportunities to get Blade at around $120 shipped, but I was new to the hobby so I thought he'll be available later. Yeah right.
^^ Beautiful customs there retyu! Who made that Nomak HS?
Thanks guys One infact did do the awsome Nomak. I kitbashed Reinhardt who still has a few tweaks needed.
Thanks! I'm assuming he also sculpted a open-mouth HS?
At least youre not one of those guys who started collecting recently and demand HT make a new one for ya cos you missed out
Its out there for them if they want it enough.