Hot Toys - MMS125 Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6 Scale T-1000 as Sarah Connor

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DAMNIT! ToyAnxiety had T-1000 Connor parts up today... but the donut heads are all gone already and the day just started!
To follow up to Evilface and others, I do have it in hand and I think it actually looks even worse than in pictures. Really really bad at least in m opinion and the hair is God Awful no matter which way yu look at it.

BUT the Sarah Connor headfromthe regular release looked bad in pics and actually is much nicer in person, I like that whole figure put together to be honest. though since all i wanted was the T-1000 head I should hae got that head loose instead f the regular sarah head even though I got an extra head out of it ad paid the same amount of money in the end the head is THAT BAD IMO that it would have saved me agrivation.

Wow so glad I cancelled this then ! I never liked the pics from the start but I thought they would have tweaked it so I had ordered anyways. Then as time went by I just cancelled. Have the regular Sarah and it's pretty good.
Crank much, Sarah? She looks like she needs a fix in those shots. :lol
What are the sarah pants like on a male truetype body? They fit alright? After some slim fitting black cargo's, thought it'd be worth asking! Thanks for any help.
I haven't really futz, .ie pulling them out of the boots, with the pants but on mine posing her in any kind of bent knee pose the pants kind of restricted her movement. It's like when people buy pants and they fit okay when they are standing, but once they try to sit or bend down they pull at the knees.
DAMNIT! ToyAnxiety had T-1000 Connor parts up today... but the donut heads are all gone already and the day just started!

There were 5 of them and they were there for quite a while, at least 12 hours. I was surprised they lasted that long. I didn't take one either, already have it.
I think that once the T-1000 gets released, these are gonna become scarce pretty quickly. If you are gonna pose two versions of the T-1000, I don't think folks are gonna go for the "split in half" head.
For me, the split head should have been in with Sarah, and the Reforming head in with the T-1000! For an exclusive, it would have made more sense to me !
I think that once the T-1000 gets released, these are gonna become scarce pretty quickly. If you are gonna pose two versions of the T-1000, I don't think folks are gonna go for the "split in half" head.

I absolutely am using that head with the hooked arms and then the other figure will be the motorcycle outfit with clean sculpt.
You bit the figure, or you bought one? If you bought one, it looks better than any pics I've seen posted. :rock
Received mine yesterday and I'm very happy with it. Some people like it some don't. But having the same people saying they hate it is silly. Do they think thy're going to make other's feel the same? I don't get.
Received mine yesterday and I'm very happy with it. Some people like it some don't. But having the same people saying they hate it is silly. Do they think thy're going to make other's feel the same? I don't get.
